FileZilla 3.49.2 Pro portable version password configuration does not lose blogger self use

share 4 years ago Lao Li next door Last edited on 2024-03-04 16:11:35

We have to deal with FTP when we do websites. The most commonly used FTP software for bloggers is the open-source and free FileZilla.

Lao Li once released the portable version of FileZilla, this time it is the portable version of FileZilla Pro.

As we all know, free software+Pro=charge+more functions. FileZilla Pro is no exception.

The biggest feature of FileZilla Pro is that it supports more protocols and seamlessly connects the world's famous online disks (do you ask Baidu World Famous? Farewell!)

More details can be found here

 FileZilla 3.49.2 Pro portable version password configuration does not lose the first page of blogger self use

The default configuration file and account information of FileZilla have always been stored in C: Users windows account name AppData Roaming FileZilla. It is hard to find. Once the computer is replaced or fails, all the saved FTP account information will be lost.

The Chinese portable version of FileZilla shared this time has changed the FTP account and configuration storage location to the FileZilla folder, which is convenient to carry around. I don't have to worry about losing my account anymore.


Cross platform

IPv6 support

Configurable transmission speed limit

Support bookmark and directory comparison

Tabbed user interface

HTTP/1.1, socks5 and FTP proxy support

Modify the configuration file path to the current folder of FileZilla Pro

No installation required, ready to use

Take it away at any time without losing the configuration

be careful

If the path contains Chinese, it may report an error. I'm not sure. Anyway, I didn't report an error?

Resource download

This article is written by@ Lao Li next door Issued on July 16, 2020 on Yeluzi Blog , unless otherwise specified, all articles in this blog are original, please retain the source for reprinting.
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This blog is really good. Come and support the blogger
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