Jquery uses parent(), prev(), next(), and children() relationships to find locating elements

skill Lao Li next door Last edited at 07:52:53 on March 18, 2020
Article summary
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This article introduces the relational search methods in Jquery, including parent (), prev (), next (), children (), which are used to locate elements and dynamically add attributes. This article takes the Z-Blog code optimization plug-in as an example to illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of relationship lookup in practical operation, and provides relevant code examples.

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Record some JQ positioning operations to avoid Baidu when it is used.

Sometimes we need to find an element in the page and add some attributes dynamically, such as Z-Log code optimization+replication enhanced version For this plug-in, clicking different buttons requires locating different elements.

Of course, you can use the $("# id") method to locate elements, but for example, Z-Blog, the element inserted into the code does not have an ID, so it is useful to use the relational search method to locate elements.

Disadvantages of relationship lookup:

The operation is tedious and easy to be misjudged

Jquery methods used:

Parent() Find parent element

Prev() Find the previous sibling element

Next() Find the next sibling element

Children() Find Subclass Elements


 <! doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>JQ Relation Search</title> <script src=" https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js "></script> </head> <body> <div>   <h1>aaaaaaaaaaa</h1>   <p>ppppppppppp</p>   <h1>aaaaaaaaaaa</h1>   <p>ppppppppppp</p> </div> <div> parent().prev() </div> <div>   <button id="parentprev">parent().prev()</button>   <button id="parentnext">parent().next()</button>   <button id="children">children</button> </div> <div> parent().next() </div> <script>     $("#parentprev").click(function(){         $(this).parent().prev().css("color","red");     }); $("#parentnext").click(function(){         $(this).parent().next().css("color","red");     }); $("#children").click(function(){         $(this).parent().prev().prev().children("p").css("color","red");     }); </script> </body> </html>

This article is written by@ Lao Li next door Issued on March 18, 2020 on Yeluzi Blog , unless otherwise specified, all articles in this blog are original, please retain the source for reprinting.
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