Why do I change the icon to SVG format

Chitchat 5 years ago Lao Li next door Last edited at 09:27:26 on November 28, 2019

In recent days, I have gradually changed some of the less complex images in my blog into SVG format.

SVG is called Scalable Vector Graphics, which means scalable vector graphical.

Compared with traditional image formats, SVG format images have many advantages.

HD lossless amplification

SVG is an image described by code. It provides three types of graphic objects: vector graphics, images, and text. The vector graphics and text can be magnified without loss. Generally speaking, even if it is magnified 1000 times, the picture will not become empty.

Smaller size

For example, the blog LOGO is 2843 bytes in PNG format and 571 bytes in SVG format.

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Other advantages

Please make your own Baidu, because I also know a little, I only know the above two points.

In conclusion, the image is clearer and smaller, why not replace it?

How to make SVG format images?

Many icon websites will provide SVG format icon download, such as Alibaba vector icon library iconfont

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Bloggers use Illustrator To make an exported SVG format image

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One SVG file can define multiple icons. We can use different icons by defining their IDs

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For more introduction and specific usage of SVG images, please go to Baidu on your own, because I am also a novice and can't understand it.

This article is written by@ Lao Li next door Published on November 28, 2019 Yeluzi Blog , unless otherwise specified, all articles in this blog are original, please retain the source for reprinting.
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