PHP File has mixed line endings; this may cause incorrect results

This problem occurs because the file uses different line feed characters. For example, in the first line of the file, the line feed character is<LF>, but in the second line of the file, the line feed character changes to<CR><LF>. This warning will appear. The above content is the result of Baidu, but how to solve this problem? Baidu is no longer there. I...
 PHP File has mixed line endings; this may cause incorrect results

Group friend benefit code optimization+copy enhanced version

The blogger has released a free plug-in for code optimization+copying in the Z-Blog application center. Recently someone asked me why the code display of this blog has more functions than the plug-in in the application center. In fact, this blog uses the upgraded version of that plug-in. On the basis of code beautification and copying, it adds the buttons of code editing and running. The demonstration can be seen here. Since someone asks

Z-Blog free plug-in 24 word encrypted text code has been uploaded to the application center

A specious text, a dusty secret, please pay attention to 24 word encryption. It is an interesting text processing method to convert a piece of text into 24 words, or decrypt the 24 words after conversion. Encrypted text content can be set in the background. It is the integrity, strength and friendliness shared by this blog long ago. A set of interesting text processing source code has been improved, and the secret code is no longer fixed 24

Z-Blog free plug-in image steganography image code has been uploaded to the application center

The "image steganography" in the box classification of this blog has been made into a plug-in. The core source code of image steganography comes from: Last year, the blogger shared that the image steganography implemented by Javascript is an unknown mystery or a fictitious reality under the cover of an ordinary image? It's inexplicable

Recent development plan

In the near future, several small tools in this blog box will be made into Z-Blog plug-ins and sent out. And it's free

Preview, the next plug-in or template will be free

Unconsciously, seven themes and three plug-ins have been released in the Z-Blog application center. There are 6 free ones and 4 free ones. Recently released plug-ins and styles are charged. So it is decided that the next plug-in or style will be released for free

The website has moved and a lot of content has been streamlined

The original random blog is in a mess, with everything, especially messy. So I distinguished the content while working at home. The content related to software sharing has been transferred to the new website, most importantly, It should be updated quickly in the future, and the software will be complete. Maybe, who knows, in case of being lazy again... Well, the above domain name is used as

Jquery Document Operation Method

Make a record so that you don't need Baidu in the future. CSS operation:. css(). css ("color") Get colorcss value. css ("color", "# ff0000") Set value. css ({"color&

Jquery uses parent(), prev(), next(), and children() relationships to find locating elements

It is also amazing that the epidemic makes a person who plays musical instruments start to write code. Record some JQ positioning operations to avoid Baidu when it is used. Sometimes we need to find an element in the page and add some attributes dynamically, such as the Z-Blog code optimization+copy enhanced version plug-in. Click different buttons to locate different elements. Of course, you can use $("# i

Adobe Flash Player Special Edition

The last craziness of FLASH, and use and cherish it. The features are based on the regional restrictions of the international version, including AX/NP/PP versions; Remove the restriction that you cannot install the international version in mainland China and jump to 2344 pages; Remove the restriction that the international version cannot be used in China after installation; Go to the installation area for inspection. There is no need to disconnect the network during the installation process, and there is no need to disconnect the network during the unloading process; Shield Pull

Corel Products KeyGen Corel 2020v2

10.1 Update: There is always wisdom who cannot find the show. In this case, don't use it and cancel sharing. Break up! Corel product activation tool is a must for dog design. It doesn't say much nonsense, but it is for those who need it. Support List CorelAfterShotProv1.1.0.30 CorelAfterShotProv2.0.3

I changed a lot of things

I'm fine on Saturday. I changed a lot of things. I don't know what I changed Basically, I redone a JS and fixed some bugs in the message Also added a share