4 articles in total

Label: US ECS cn2 gia

 Raksmart: Simple evaluation of "cloud server" for optimized lines in Los Angeles mainland. Telecom is a two-way cn2 with high cost performance evaluation of foreign hosts

Raksmart: A simple evaluation of the "cloud server" for the optimized lines in Los Angeles mainland. Telecom is a two-way cn2 with high cost performance

Raksmart is focusing on the cloud server business. It may abandon the traditional VPS business through visual inspection. After its core San Jose data center went online with "Cloud", it has now launched the "Cloud" of the Los Angeles data center. The ECS in Los Angeles is divided into mainland optimization and CN2. Today, the host evaluation first brings you mainland optimization

 Raksmart: Simple evaluation of "ECS" on CN2 GIA lines of three networks, with one snapshot and two backups - evaluation of foreign hosts

Raksmart: Simple evaluation of "ECS" of CN2 GIA line of three networks, with one snapshot and two backups

This article tests the "cloud server" of Raksmart's three network cn2 gia line. At the beginning of this month, rakmart launched rak cloud (cloud server), which is different from the regular VPS of rakmart. Resources can be selected by DIY. By default, the system disk is separated from the data disk, and a snapshot is provided

 Raksmart: Simple evaluation of American cloud cloud servers for Boutique Network lines (Telecom CN2) - evaluation of foreign hosts

Raksmart: A simple evaluation of the US cloud cloud server for Boutique Network lines (Telecom CN2)

The newly launched rak cloud (cloud server) host evaluation of rakmart has tested the optimized lines in mainland China. This time, we are going to share the high-quality network lines (that is, the optimization of telecom CN2, China Unicom and China Mobile). For the sake of relative fairness, the evaluation data is compared between the daytime leisure time and the evening peak network explosion. The data is only for reference

 Raksmart: The new cloud ECS series evaluation tells you whether the new products of raksmart are effective - foreign host evaluation

Rakmart: The new cloud ECS series evaluation tells you whether the new products of rakmart are effective

At the end of June 2021, the new product "cloud cloud server" developed by rakmart will be officially launched for sale. Currently, only the US Silicon Valley computer room (maybe other data centers will join in the future) is available. Maybe you will ask how about the Raksmart ECS, whether the Raksm ECS is good, and whether the network speed is fast