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Label: South Korea cn2 gia vps

 #Cheap vps # VMISS: 18 yuan/month, 100M bandwidth, CN2 in Hong Kong, CN2 in South Korea, CN2 in the United States, AS9929 in the United States, and IIJ in Japan

#Cheap vps # VMISS: 18 yuan/month, 100M bandwidth, Hong Kong CN2, South Korea CN2, US CN2/US AS9929, Japan IIJ

Vmiss, a Canadian company, mainly provides cheap vps services, and it is a vps of high-end high-quality lines optimized specifically for the Chinese mainland, mainly including Hong Kong vps, South Korea vps, the United States vps, and Japan vps. Japan uses IIJ lines, and the rest are all cn2+bgp lines. Support PayPal, Alipay and other payments