9 articles in total

Tag: How about the raksmart ECS

 Simple evaluation of the Hong Kong ECS on the CN2 line of rakmart - foreign host evaluation

Simple evaluation of the Hong Kong ECS on the CN2 line of raksmart

How about Raksmart ECS? How about raksmart Hong Kong ECS? Before the host evaluation, we have evaluated the international BGP, mainland optimization and boutique network lines of Raksmart's Hong Kong ECS. Please read the specific article. This article will simply evaluate the last line, Hong Kong CN2, to share data

 How about raksmart Hong Kong ECS? Evaluation of Hong Kong international BGP lines - evaluation of foreign hosts

How about raksmart Hong Kong ECS? Evaluation of Hong Kong International BGP Line

How about raksmart? How about Raksmart ECS? How about raksmart Hong Kong ECS? Raksmart's Hong Kong ECS is divided into CN2, Boutique, Mainland Optimization, and international BGP lines. This article will take you to see how the "international BGP" line works? Is it suitable for mainland three

 How about Raksmart ECS? Cloud server evaluation of international BGP lines in San Jose - foreign host evaluation

How about Raksmart ECS? Cloud server evaluation of San Jose international BGP lines

How about raksmart? How about Raksmart ECS? How about the Raksmart San Jose ECS? San Jose can be said to be the location of the core data center of Raksmart. Due to the access to multiple lines, this article wants to discuss how Raksmart connects to international BGP lines in San Jose. Actual cloud service

 How about Raksmart ECS? Simply evaluate the cloud server of raksmart Japan Boutique - foreign host evaluation

How about Raksmart ECS? Simply evaluate the cloud server of raksmart Japan Boutique

Raksmart's cloud server business has covered San Jose (Mainland Optimization, Boutique Network, CN2), Los Angeles (Mainland Optimization, CN2), Hong Kong (Boutique Network), Japan (Mainland Optimization, Boutique Network). So far, the host evaluation is only inferior to the cloud server of the line of the Japanese Boutique Network, which has not been tested. In order to explore the way for everyone, we can roughly see the actual situation

 How about Raksmart ECS? Simple evaluation of raksmart ECS for optimizing network in Japanese mainland - evaluation of foreign hosts

How about Raksmart ECS? Simply evaluate the cloud servers of rakmart optimized network in the Japanese mainland

At the end of 2021, rakmart launched the Japanese cloud server (unconventional Japanese vps), which is very distinctive. For the Japanese ECS of Raksmart, here is a brief introduction and then the evaluation data. Exclusive bandwidth (mainland optimized bandwidth for the Chinese mainland, boutique network bandwidth, that is, cn2+bgp, up to 1G

 Raksmart: 70% discount for ECS, Hong Kong  US machine rooms, optimized lines (CN2), exclusive bandwidth - up to 5Gbps, free 10G defense, 10% balance for additional bills - foreign host evaluation

Raksmart: 70% discount for ECS, Hong Kong US machine room, optimized line (CN2), exclusive bandwidth - up to 5Gbps, free 10G defense, 10% balance for additional bills

During the activity period from November 1 to November 30, all rakmart ECS servers will have a 70% discount, and the machine rooms in Hong Kong, San Jose and Los Angeles can be selected. The price will not rise for life. If you register as a rakmart customer, you can apply for a $10 rookie red packet. The rookie red packet can be used to purchase and renew any product on the RAKsmart official website. If the same customer registers

 Raksmart, a simple evaluation of CN2 line ECS in Los Angeles three networks - evaluation of foreign hosts

Simple Evaluation of Raksmart's Three Network CN2 Line ECS in Los Angeles

This is the second evaluation of the ECS of the Raksmart Los Angeles computer room. This time, it is aimed at the ECS of the CN2 network. Two days ago, I wrote "Raksmart: a simple evaluation of the" cloud server "of the optimized lines in the mainland of Los Angeles. Telecom is a two-way cn2 with high cost performance". You can easily make a comparison to see whether the mainland optimization is suitable for self optimization

 Raksmart: Simple evaluation of "cloud server" for optimized lines in Los Angeles mainland. Telecom is a two-way cn2 with high cost performance evaluation of foreign hosts

Raksmart: A simple evaluation of the "cloud server" for the optimized lines in Los Angeles mainland. Telecom is a two-way cn2 with high cost performance

Raksmart is focusing on the cloud server business. It may abandon the traditional VPS business through visual inspection. After its core San Jose data center went online with "Cloud", it has now launched the "Cloud" of the Los Angeles data center. The ECS in Los Angeles is divided into mainland optimization and CN2. Today, the host evaluation first brings you mainland optimization

 Raksmart: The new cloud ECS series evaluation tells you whether the new products of raksmart are effective - foreign host evaluation

Rakmart: The new cloud ECS series evaluation tells you whether the new products of rakmart are effective

At the end of June 2021, the new product "cloud cloud server" developed by rakmart will be officially launched for sale. Currently, only the US Silicon Valley computer room (maybe other data centers will join in the future) is available. Maybe you will ask how about the Raksmart ECS, whether the Raksm ECS is good, and whether the network speed is fast