40 articles in total

Label: hostgator

 Hostgator (crocodile host): 4 days, 30% off for "virtual host", domain name free - foreign host evaluation

Hostgator (crocodile host): 4 days, 30% off for "virtual host", domain name free

From 1:00 p.m. on October 18, the world's most famous virtual host host (Crocodile Host) began to carry out a 5-day 30% discount promotion. Since the annual payment, a new domain name will be given by default (com/net/org, etc., in fact, the monthly payment for virtual hosts is too expensive, which is basically an annual payment or two or three years). Crocodile host in China

 Recommendation: 30% discount for hostgator (crocodile host) in summer (save 70%), recommendation for stable website construction - evaluation of foreign hosts

Recommended: 30% discount for hostgator (crocodile host) in summer (save 70%), recommended for stable website construction

From now on to June 10, hostgator has launched the summer crazy sales promotion mode. The virtual host of the cpanel panel is directly reduced by 70% for sales promotion, and can be purchased for up to three years. If you don't bother with VPS and independent servers and just want to build a stable website, then the world's top and super old American virtual hosts like hostgator

 Hostgator: In the spring of 2020, a 30% discount will be given to American cpanel unlimited hosts, which is applicable to small and medium-sized individuals and commercial stations - foreign host evaluation

Hostgator: In the spring of 2020, the United States cpanel unlimited host, 30% discount, applicable to small and medium-sized individuals and commercial stations

The first promotion of hostgator this spring started. The shared hosting of the cpanel panel will be offered a 30% discount (70% savings) from the annual payment cycle, and a free domain name (new registration). Hostgator, as the oldest virtual host brand in the United States, has long enjoyed popularity

 #BlackFriday # hostgator: 30% off for virtual host, 2.5% off for ECS, 5.2% off for independent server - foreign host evaluation

#BlackFriday # hostgator: 30% off for virtual hosts, 2.5% off for ECS, and 5.2% off for independent servers

Hostgator will not be exceptional in releasing the 2019 super promotion. From 2:00 a.m. on November 28 to 1:59 p.m. on December 4 (Beijing time), (1) the virtual host will be directly promoted at a 30% discount, and the domain name will also participate in the promotion; (2) VPS direct 25% discount promotion; (3) A discount of 5.2% for independent servers. hostgat...

 #Recommend # hostgator: 17th anniversary celebration, unprecedented price of virtual host, $17/year+one domain name free - foreign host evaluation

#Recommend # hostgator: for the 17th anniversary, the virtual host has an unprecedented price of $17/year+a domain name

Hostgator, this virtual host brand should be known by everyone in the industry, right? 17 years of operation! Hostgator started on the 21st. In order to celebrate the 17th anniversary, Hatchling reduced the price of this virtual host to $17/year, and also gave a domain name (new registration) for free. The event ended on the 24th. h...

 Hostgator: cpanel virtual host, 40% discount promotion, suitable for small and medium-sized websites - foreign host evaluation

Hostgator: cpanel virtual host, 40% discount promotion, suitable for small and medium-sized websites

Hostgator has promoted their latest virtual host of the cpanel panel at a special price: a 40% discount, and a special 3.7% discount. This promotion is a one-time discount, with the original price renewed. Hostgator's virtual host has always been recognized by some domestic businesses as a stable choice of foreign trade hosts, which is quite stable; If you don't

 Hostgator - 25% discount for the whole site/virtual host/VPS/independent server - foreign host evaluation

Hostgator - 25% discount for the whole site/virtual host/VPS/independent server

Hostgator (Crocodile host, one of the most popular virtual host brands in the market, and was once listed as the best foreign trade website building host) has officially announced the start of the 2018 commemoration activity for the American soldiers killed in battle. From now on, the whole event will be as low as 25% off, and the event will be held from now to 2:00 p.m. on June 1 (Beijing time). The specific discount is as follows: virtual host (W

 #BlackFriday # hostgator - 20% off, unlimited site building, virtual host/VPS/server - foreign host evaluation

#Blackfriday # hostgator - 20% off, unlimited site creation, virtual host/VPS/server

The Black Friday promotion of hostgator, a well-known host brand in the United States, has begun. VPS, virtual hosts, and inexpensive independent servers are all participating in the promotion; Hostgator was once recommended by foreign trade crowd as a foreign trade king host, suitable for running high load websites. Important note: If you open the website and find it is a Chinese page, please close the page and hang the global page

 Hostgate-2017 3.52% discount code+4% discount code/unlimited station building/panel virtual host - foreign host evaluation

Hostgate-2017 3.52% discount code+4% discount code/unlimited station building/panel virtual host

Is the official virtual host of hostgator becoming more and more expensive? In fact, foreign major brands of virtual hosts such as bluehost, justhost, and hostmaster are the same. Basically, virtual hosts are more expensive than conventional VPS. But in view of some characteristics of the virtual host: such as stability, simple operation

 Hostgator - 40% discount for the whole site/VPS as low as $8/virtual host/reseller/server - foreign host evaluation

Hostgator - 40% off for the whole site/as low as $8 for VPS/virtual host/reseller/server

hostgator, 30% off for the whole New Year, 1 day remaining, and the official website has activity time. The reputation of hostgator is generally known to all. It was formerly known as the god of foreign trade, with a high online rate. However, since someone in China directly bought out the Chinese traffic of hostgator, it is enough to make people feel sick (usually directly visit the website

 #Black Friday #: hostgator - host 20% off/domain name $2.99 - foreign host evaluation

#Black Friday #: hostgator - host 20% off/domain name $2.99

The 2015 Black Friday promotion information of the well-known virtual host brand hostgator: [1] $2.99 to register the domain names of. com and. net, [2] 20% discount promotion for virtual host, and the original renewal price. finished? No, it should be noted that the promotion of hostgator is different from that of other people's homes. They offer discounts in different periods

 2015 Valentine's Day Foreign Virtual Host Promotion Information Summary - Foreign Host Evaluation

Summary of Overseas Virtual Host Promotion Information on Valentine's Day in 2015

The Valentine's Day in 2015 is three days away. People who pay attention to the host industry should know that foreigners will not miss some well-known festivals, especially the virtual host. The host evaluation blog has received some information about the promotion of virtual hosting, so let's share it in advance. If you need to purchase a foreign virtual host, be sure to have a Paypa available