11 articles in total

Label: Ignore copyright VPS

 Theonionhost: copyrightless VPS, $20/month, 1G memory/1 core/20gSSD/1T traffic/1Gbps bandwidth/Bulgarian machine room - foreign host evaluation

Theonionhost: copyrightless VPS, $20/month, 1G memory/1 core/20gSSD/1T traffic/1Gbps bandwidth/Bulgarian machine room

Theonionhost, an offshore server provider established in 2018, mainly operates copyright free virtual hosts, copyright free vps, and copyright free independent servers. The machine room is located in Bulgaria, with a default bandwidth of 1Gbps, and supports payment methods including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, credit cards, PayPal, perfectmoney, and so on. V...

 Flokinet: Dutch anti complaint VPS, 20% discount, € 7.6/month, 1G memory, 1 core, 20gNVMe, 3T traffic - foreign host evaluation

Flokinet: Dutch anti complaint VPS, 20% discount, € 7.6/month, 1G memory, 1 core, 20gNVMe, 3T traffic

Icelandic host company flokinet.is (2012~) has released a 20% discount on Dutch vps, which is valid until July 31. Dutch vps are based on KVM virtualization by default, using NVMe SSD arrays, 1Gbps bandwidth, and free advanced DDoS protection. The Dutch VPS of flokinet.is

 Revenueserver: Netherlands ignores copyright, 1Gbps bandwidth, unlimited traffic, $7.59/month, 2G memory/1 core/25gSSD foreign host evaluation

Revenueserver: Netherlands ignores copyright, 1Gbps bandwidth, unlimited traffic, $7.59/month, 2G memory/1 core/25gSSD

Revenueserver is a private company registered in the Netherlands. Since 2011, its main business has been offshore domain names, offshore vps, and offshore servers. All businesses support DDoS defense, access 1Gbps bandwidth, unlimited traffic, and support PayPal, webmoney, and digital currency payments& nbs...

 Abelohost: Dutch windows vps, anti complaint, 40G defense, unlimited traffic - foreign host evaluation

Abelohost: Dutch Windows vps, anti complaint, 40G defense, unlimited traffic

ABELOHOST, a Dutch server merchant, has launched a new product: Dutch Windows vps, which provides 40Gbps defense for free, and does not limit traffic. It authorizes Windows server 2016 or 2019 standard version! The reason why abelohost is introduced is that it is famous in anti complaint: "

 Hostsolutions: $84/year, 3.6T hard disk VPS, KVM/1G memory/1 core/10T traffic (/month), 1Gbps bandwidth, ignoring copyright - foreign host evaluation

Hostsolutions: $84/year, 3.6T hard disk VPS, KVM/1G memory/1 core/10T traffic (/month), 1Gbps bandwidth, regardless of copyright

hostsolutions, This Romanian merchant is playing the devil again, promoting a storage VPS with an annual payment of $84, providing 3.6T hard disk, based on KVM virtualization, 1G memory, 1 core, 10T traffic/month, and 1 IPv4, ignoring copyright complaints! In fact, the VPS of hostsolutions has a good reputation

 Hostsolutions: Romanian VPS, ignoring DMCA, 76 euro/year, KVM, 3.6T hard disk, 10T traffic - foreign host evaluation

Hostsolutions: Romanian VPS, ignoring DMCA, 76 euro/year, KVM, 3.6T hard disk, 10T traffic

The boss of hostsolutions came back (it is said that he was in poor health before), brought 50 cheap big hard disk VPS promotions, provided 3.6T hard disk storage, and 10T traffic per month, which is the same as before: ignoring DMCA (copyright complaint), Romanian computer room, 1Gbps bandwidth. Open within 7 days, if you think it takes a long time

 Flaunt7: It is clearly stated that the anti complaint of copyright is ignored. Netherlands VPS, Netherlands servers - foreign host evaluation

Flaunt7: It is clearly stated that the copyright is ignored. Dutch VPS, Dutch servers

flaunt7, It is an offshore host company that provides offshore virtual hosts, offshore VPS, and offshore independent servers. The official clearly stated in TOS that the copyright issue was ignored, specifically as follows: DMCA is not the legal system of the host country, so the service will not be suspended or terminated after receiving complaints about DMCA; Any failure to pass the Netherlands

 Blueangelhost: professional offshore host, ignoring copyright complaints, VPS, independent server and other services - foreign host evaluation

Blueangelhost: professional offshore host, ignoring copyright complaints, VPS, independent server and other services

Blueangelhost, established in 2012, mainly operates businesses around offshore hosts, and clearly states that copyright issues are ignored, including: copyright free virtual hosts, copyright free VPS, copyright free independent servers, and some auxiliary products such as domain names, SSL, and ddos defense. Mainly provide Russia (dataPro), insurance

 Abelohost: access to "Alipay  WeChat", a well-known offshore host company, ignoring copyright  anti complaint - foreign host evaluation

Abelohost: access to "Alipay WeChat", a well-known offshore host company, ignoring copyright resisting complaints

Recent news: This merchant, which started to operate offshore hosts in 2012, has officially added "Alipay" and "WeChat" as payment methods. Many people need to ignore copyright and complaint resistant machines, so the Chinese market is no exception! abelohost, It mainly operates the offshore business of the Dutch data center, including offshore virtual hosting, offshore

 List of merchants of "foreign trade" VPS and servers - foreign host evaluation

List of merchants of "foreign trade" VPS and servers

"Foreign trade VPS" and "foreign trade server" are necessary for foreign business owners. They often lose profits due to some small details of the website, which is mainly caused by some "professional extortion" individuals or groups from the United States, Britain and other countries. Follow the laws and regulations of GDPR, the country where the server is located, and China, and the business will be unimpeded

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