66 articles in total

Label: digitalcoean Page 4

 Digitalocean - $20 free/the most cost-effective U.S. VPS foreign host evaluation

Digitalocean - $20 free/the most cost-effective American VPS

A free $20 for digitalcoean, discount code: SSDCHP20. If you buy a VPS for $5 (512M memory KVM, 20G SSD, 1T traffic), you can use it for five months at a time with your $5 recharge! Address of onlookers: http://www.digit...

 A simple tutorial for the registration and use of digitalcoan - foreign host evaluation

A simple tutorial for registering and using digitalcoan

The host evaluation has made a simple registration and use tutorial for the cost-effective digital ocean VPS, with pictures as the main auxiliary text. I'm gongyi original, please indicate the source for reprinting! For other questions, please see QQ or contact at the end of this article. Maybe you like to watch the simple evaluation of digital ocean (512M Seattle)

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