33 articles in total

Label: henghost

 Henghost/Hengchuang Hong Kong broadband cloud server evaluation (three networks directly connected with 100M bandwidth) - foreign host evaluation

Henghost/Hengchuang Hong Kong High bandwidth ECS evaluation (100M bandwidth for three networks direct connection)

Isn't henghost a new Hong Kong ECS with large bandwidth recently? Someone in the host evaluation group asked me what is the difference between this and the previous Hong Kong ECS? What we can see from the website is that the former is CN2+BGP line and small bandwidth. Now the new series is optimized line and 100M large bandwidth, which is the biggest difference. Real

 Henghost: Hong Kong ECS with large bandwidth, direct connection to three networks, as low as 198 yuan/year, 1G memory/1 core/15gSSD/500G traffic/50M bandwidth - foreign host evaluation

Henghost: Hong Kong ECS with large bandwidth, direct connection to three networks, as low as 198 yuan/year, 1G memory/1 core/15gSSD/500G traffic/50M bandwidth

Henghost recently added Hong Kong broadband ECS: up to 100Mbps bandwidth/three networks directly connected to the mainland, with the same price for renewal. These cloud servers are deployed in the Tier3+data center in Hong Kong, China, and are designed to provide long-term stable, cost-effective high-speed transmission services for overseas video streaming media and high flow application scenarios. Provide

 Henghost: Hong Kong/Japan/America, CN2 GIA network, 2.8% off for the whole site, 218 yuan/year for ECS, 700 yuan for independent service, 310G advanced defense protection - foreign host evaluation

Henghost: Hong Kong/Japan/America, CN2 GIA network, 2.8% off for the whole site, 218 yuan/year for ECS, 700 yuan for independent service, 310G advanced defense protection

Henghost is currently in the process of going to sea for Tesco in July. Hong Kong ECS starts at 35 yuan, Japan and Japan ECS starts at 31 yuan, and lightweight cloud application servers start at 218 yuan/year and 654 yuan/year; The physical server is as low as 700 yuan, and the DDoS defense 30G-150 costs only 1610 yuan per month, ignoring CC attacks

 Hengchuang Technology: 618 special sale, Hong Kong/Japan/US ECS - as low as 11 yuan/month, 5 fold for independent servers (station cluster servers+310G advanced defense) - foreign host evaluation

Hengchuang Technology: 618 special sale, Hong Kong/Japan/US ECS - as low as 11 yuan/month, with 5 folds for independent servers (station cluster servers+310G advanced defense)

Hengchuang Technology/henghost is currently engaged in 618 special special promotions in the middle of the year: Hong Kong ECS as low as 13 yuan/month (370 yuan/18 months), Japanese and American ECS as low as 11.7 yuan/month, lightweight Hong Kong ECS as low as 218 yuan/year (654 yuan/5 years), overseas independent servers as low as 333 yuan/month, more

 Henghost: Big discount for purchase starting in the New Year, 2.5% off for ECS+6 months free for 1 year purchase, CN2 in Hong Kong/Softbank in Japan/CN2 in the United States, also applicable to independent servers - foreign host evaluation

Henghost: Big discount for purchase starting in the New Year, 2.5% off for ECS+6 months free for 1 year purchase, CN2 in Hong Kong/Softbank in Japan/CN2 in the United States, also applicable to independent servers

Henghost (Hengchuang Cloud, Sondercloud Limited (Hong Kong), founded and registered in Hong Kong in 2010, has its own data center) has released the preferential interaction of starting procurement in the New Year, Hong Kong machine room (CN2 line), Japan machine room (Softbank line), Los Angeles machine room (CN2 line)

 #618 # Henghost: Hong Kong  Japan  Los Angeles, cloud server at a discount of 2.8%, independent server at a discount of 6.5%, advanced anti DDoS protection at a discount of 70% - foreign host evaluation

#618 # Henghost: Hong Kong Japan Los Angeles, cloud server at a discount of 2.8%, independent server at a discount of 6.5%, advanced anti DDoS protection at a discount of 70%

Henghost (Hengchuang Technology) released a special activity in 618 years. From now on to June 30, Hong Kong machine rooms, Japan Tokyo machine rooms, and America Los Angeles machine rooms all participated in the activity. High speed direct connection to high-end networks such as CN2, cloud servers as low as 262 yuan/year, independent servers (including station cluster servers) as low as 700 yuan/month, and advanced defense protection as low as

 Henghost: 618 special offers, Hong Kong/Japan/America machine room, CN2 network, cloud server 2.8% off, independent server 60% off, station cluster 60% off, advanced defense 3150 yuan - foreign host evaluation

Henghost: 618 special offers, Hong Kong/Japan/America machine room, CN2 network, cloud server 2.8% off, independent server 6% off, station cluster 6% off, advanced defense 3150 yuan

Henghost (Hengchuang Technology) has brought you a special promotion in the middle of 2018 in 2022, including Hong Kong machine room, Japan machine room, American machine room, CN2+BGP network, unlimited traffic cloud server at a discount of 2.8 yuan - as low as 296 yuan/year, independent server at a discount of 6 yuan to 840 yuan/month, and cluster server at a discount of 1138 yuan/month. In addition to the seckill activity

 Henghost: New Year's Gala, as low as 2.6% discount, Hong Kong  Japan  America computer room, CN2 network, cloud server, station cluster server - foreign host evaluation

Henghost: New Year's Gala, as low as 2.6% discount, Hong Kong Japan America computer room, CN2 network, cloud server, cluster server

Hong Kong Hengchuang Technology is currently engaged in a cross year event. Hong Kong machine rooms, Japanese machine rooms, and American machine rooms are all CN2+BGP networks, with high-speed direct connection to China, and the discount is as low as 2.6%. Promotional products include ECS, independent server, station cluster server, advanced anti cloud+advanced anti independent server. Active link: http

 Simple evaluation of henghost Japanese ECS, China Telecom+Unicom via CN2, mobile NTT direct connection - foreign host evaluation

Simple evaluation of henghost Japanese ECS, China Telecom+Unicom, CN2, mobile NTT direct connection

Hong Kong Henghost recently launched the Japanese cloud server (Japanese vps) in the Japanese computer room. According to the official statement, the cluster is deployed in Equinix TY8 IBX in Tokyo Data center, KDDI+SoftBank+IIJ+NTT to build a full penetration dynamic BGP network, Japan CN2

 Henghost: 30% discount at the end of the year, US  Hong Kong machine room, CN2 network, unlimited traffic, ECS  independent server  station cluster server  large bandwidth server - foreign host evaluation

Henghost: 30% discount at the end of the year, US Hong Kong machine room, CN2 network, unlimited traffic, ECS independent server station cluster server large bandwidth server

Hong Kong Hengchuang Technology launched a year-end sales promotion, including Hong Kong computer room, American computer room, CN2+BGP network. The business options include: Hong Kong ECS, American ECS, Hong Kong independent server, Hong Kong large bandwidth server, Hong Kong station cluster server, American ECS, and American independent server. The price has a considerable advantage. If you are interested, you can go and watch

 #11.11 # henghost

#11.11 # henghost

Henghost (Hengchuang Technology, registered in Hong Kong - SanderCloud Limited, APNIC and ARIN member units, self operated Hong Kong data center from 2010 to now, plus the business of data centers in the United States, South Korea, etc.) started the "Double 11" promotion activities in 2021: (1) Hong Kong, Los Angeles

 How about henghost? Hong Kong computer room, Hong Kong independent server evaluation, measured data sharing - foreign host evaluation

How about henghost? Hong Kong computer room, Hong Kong independent server evaluation, measured data sharing

Henghost (Hengchuang Technology) focuses on its own data center business in Hong Kong, including Hong Kong cloud servers and Hong Kong independent servers, and has an additional value-added business - Hong Kong advanced defense. Although henghost also has data centers in the United States, South Korea, Japan, etc., this is not our topic today; Today, the host evaluation brings henghos

 Henghost: a simple evaluation of the VPS of the U.S. cn2 gia line, allowing the data to tell you how about henghost - evaluation of foreign hosts

Henghost: a simple evaluation of VPS of the U.S. cn2 gia line, allowing the data to tell you how about henghost

How about henghost? (Hengchuang Technology) How about henghost? After testing the Hong Kong computer room and the Japanese computer room, the host evaluation here also evaluates the vps of the U.S. Los Angeles computer room cn2 gia line of henghost, sharing specific data, hoping that the data can give those who want to buy henghost to the heart

 Henghost: Japanese CN2 GIA line VPS evaluation, data tell you how about henghost - foreign host evaluation

Henghost: Japanese CN2 GIA line VPS evaluation, data tell you how about henghost

How about henghost, how about henghost ECS, and how about henghost vps? Since henghost has its own Hong Kong computer room, which is fully qualified and has been operating for a long time, many people still have some trust in Hengchuang, so many are asking such questions. The host evaluation has tested "Hong Kong Cloud Service..."

 Henghost: Hong Kong CN2 GIA line VPS simple evaluation, measured data tell you how henghost - foreign host evaluation

Henghost: Hong Kong CN2 GIA line VPS simple evaluation, the measured data tell you how about henghost

Henghost (Hengchuang Technology) is the operator of cloud server and independent server services in Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan and the United States. It is connected to the CN2+BGP network and has additional advanced anti DDoS services. How about henghost? How about Hengchuang Technology? There is no way to answer the host evaluation. Instead, go directly to the machine, write the evaluation, and use the data to tell everyone about henghost

 Hengchuang Technology: Hong Kong+Los Angeles, CN2 GIA line ECS, 245 yuan/year, 1G memory/1 core/50g hard disk/10M bandwidth - foreign host evaluation

Hengchuang Technology: Hong Kong+Los Angeles, CN2 GIA line ECS, 245 yuan/year, 1G memory/1 core/50g hard disk/10M bandwidth

Hengchuang Technology is now offering special discounts to ECS servers in Hong Kong computer rooms and Los Angeles computer rooms in the United States: (1) pay annually, first directly reduce the cost for two months, then give a discount of 5.6%, and then get coupons to continue to reduce; (2) The monthly payment is at a discount of 8.7%, the quarterly payment is at a discount of 7.5%, and the semi annual payment is at a discount of 6.7%. New users can also receive coupons for superposition. In addition, independent service

 How about henghost? Simple evaluation of independent servers in American computer rooms, sharing of measured data - evaluation of foreign hosts

How about henghost? Simple evaluation of independent servers in American computer rooms, and sharing of measured data

The American data center of henghost is the second key computer room of henghost. It mainly operates cloud servers based on KVM virtualization, as well as independent server services, and supports advanced anti DDoS servers, station cluster servers, etc. At present, the independent server of the American computer room should be connected to the BGP bandwidth or high-end CN2 network directly connected to the three networks at a very good speed

 #Wuyi # henghost: 25% discount, Hong Kong  Japan  US computer room, cn2 gia network, OpenStack cloud+independent server - foreign host evaluation

#Wuyi # henghost: 25% discount, Hong Kong Japan US computer room, cn2 gia network, OpenStack cloud+independent server

Henghost, a brand owned by Hong Kong SonderCloud Limited, has started the May Day special promotion: cloud servers, independent servers, and DDoS advanced defense products (ignoring CC attacks) in Hong Kong machine rooms, Japanese machine rooms, and American machine rooms, all of which are limited to 25% off, and the original price will be restored after the promotion& nbs...

 Hengchuang Technology: In the beginning of the purchase season, Hong Kong CN2 and the United States CN2 lines, ECS as low as 299 yuan/year, and independent server foreign host evaluation

Hengchuang Technology: In the first procurement season, Hong Kong CN2 and the United States CN2 lines, ECS as low as 299 yuan/year, and independent servers

The super promotion of Henghost in the 2021 purchase season began (March 1~26). Hong Kong ECS (access to cn2 gia network, using KVM+OVS cloud storage architecture), American ECS (access to cn2 gia network, using openstack cloud architecture) are as low as 299 yuan/year

 #Cross year # Hengchuang Technology: Hong Kong cn2, US cn2, cloud server "20% discount", physical machine delivery for 6 months, DDoS advanced anti DDoS special price - foreign host evaluation

#Cross year # Hengchuang Technology: Hong Kong cn2, US cn2, cloud server "20% discount", physical machine delivery for 6 months, DDoS advanced anti DDoS special price

Henghost, SonderCloud Limited,2010~, It is fully qualified to provide data center basic services, Internet business solutions, and exclusive server rental, cloud server, cloud virtual host, exclusive server hosting, bandwidth rental and other products and services