11 articles in total

Label: How about lightlayer

 How about lightlayer? Hong Kong ECS evaluation of optimized lines - foreign host evaluation

How about lightlayer? Hong Kong ECS evaluation of optimized lines

How about lightlayer? How about lightlayer Hong Kong ECS? Lightlayer added a new Hong Kong data center this month. Currently, it only has an optimized network for the Chinese mainland. It mainly operates the Hong Kong cloud server business, as low as $5 per month. The bottom layer is KVM virtual, pure SSD array, and supports Linux and Wi

 How about lightlayer? UK VPS ECS evaluation (native dual ISP residential IP/maximum 20 IPs per machine) - foreign host evaluation

How about lightlayer? UK VPS ECS evaluation (native dual ISP residential IP/maximum 20 IPs for a single machine)

How about lightlayer? How about lightlayer UK vps? Lightlayer recently added the UK vps/UK cloud server series. The server is located in London, with a default bandwidth of 300M, international lines, and a monthly payment of $19. The number of memory, CPU, SSD, traffic, and IP can be configured freely&

 Independent server evaluation of lightlayer's Los Angeles international line - foreign host evaluation

Independent server evaluation of lightlayer Los Angeles international line

The network of the Los Angeles computer room of lightlayer in the United States is divided into three types: premium, standard and global. The independent server provides 50M~20Gbps bandwidth for everyone to choose from. Because of the different costs, the effect is completely different, especially the network speed facing the Chinese mainland has obvious hierarchical differences. Before

 How about lightlayer? American "LOS ANGELES Standard" series VPS evaluation - foreign host evaluation

How about lightlayer? American "LOS ANGELES Standard" series VPS evaluation

Lightlayer provides a VPS called "LOS ANGELES Standard" series in Los Angeles, the United States. Based on KVM virtualization, NVMe SSD array, there are two options: limited traffic and unlimited traffic. Memory, CPU, NVMe SSD, bandwidth/traffic, IP number, snapshots can all be rooted

 How about lightlayer? Lightlayer optimized line VPS in Taiwan and foreign host evaluation under detailed evaluation

How about lightlayer? VPS of optimized lines of lightlayer in Taiwan under detailed evaluation

Lightlayer operates Taiwan's vps, which are divided into premium optimized lines and global international lines. Premium optimized lines have a good effect on the mainland. By default, the Taiwan optimized line vps of lightlayer can be customized to configure resources, memory, CPU, memory, hard disk, IP, bandwidth, snapshot

 How about lightlayer? Philippine VPS - foreign host evaluation for detailed evaluation of "optimized lines"

How about lightlayer? Detailed evaluation of Philippine VPS for "optimized route"

Lightlayer operates the Philippine vps of the Manila Data Center in the Philippines. It is connected to the optimized lines facing the Chinese mainland and supports the free customization of resources (free choice of CPU, memory, hard disk, bandwidth, IP, snapshot, etc.). Lightlayer's Philippines optimized vps can be divided into two types: unlimited traffic, scalable bandwidth, and limited traffic, large bandwidth

 How about lightlayer? VPS evaluation of optimized lines in the United States (three networks CMIN2) - foreign host evaluation

How about lightlayer? VPS evaluation of optimized lines in the United States (three networks CMIN2)

Lightlayer operates the U.S. vps service in the Los Angeles Data Center, which is divided into three networks: optimized lines, standard lines, and international lines. The optimized lines are the fastest in China, and it is said that high-end networks are used. The US vps of lightlayer is KVM virtual by default, and AMD EPYC+NVMe

 How about lightlayer? Detailed evaluation of American LOS ANGELES Global series VPS - foreign host evaluation

How about lightlayer? Detailed evaluation of American LOS ANGELES Global series VPS

The VPS of lightlayer in the Los Angeles computer room in the United States is divided into three series: premium, standard and global. The main difference is the network. Since the first two have been tested before, here we want to bring you a detailed evaluation of the "LOS ANGELES Global" series vps. I hope everyone

 Detailed evaluation of lightlayer standard line large bandwidth server in Los Angeles, USA - foreign host evaluation

Detailed evaluation of lightlayer standard line large bandwidth server in Los Angeles, USA

The independent servers of the U.S. Los Angeles Data Center of the lightlayer are divided into premium optimized lines (three networks CMIN2, maximum 1Gbps bandwidth), standard and global (minimum 200M, maximum 20Gbps exclusive for a single machine). The optimized lines have been tested before, and some people want to know about the standard lines

 How about lightlayer? Philippines MANILA Global series VPS evaluation - foreign host evaluation

How about lightlayer? Philippines MANILA Global Series VPS Evaluation

The Philippine data center, newly launched by lightlayer this month, mainly operates the Philippine vps/Philippine cloud server business. The network is divided into the optimized route premium for mainland China and the international route Global. The Philippines vps are based on KVM virtualization by default, using SSD arrays, with limited and unlimited traffic