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Label: Large bandwidth optimized Hong Kong vps

 Hostyun: 8.5% discount, Hong Kong VPS, 10Gbps bandwidth, three network optimization, 23.8 yuan/month, 1G memory/1 core/10gSSD/500G traffic - foreign host evaluation

Hostyun: 8.5% discount, Hong Kong VPS, 10Gbps bandwidth, three network optimization, 23.8 yuan/month, 1G memory/1 core/10gSSD/500G traffic

Hostyun has launched a new Hong Kong vps, Hong Kong T3 computer room, direct 10 gigabit bandwidth access for hens, triple network BGP line access, optimized and returned to China, adopted AMD EPYC7500 series CPU, enterprise SSD Raid10 architecture, purposely limited chicken's IO, and supported full refund for three days without reason... Currently, there are