10 articles in total

Label: nodeblade

 Nodeblade - boutique storage VPS+low-cost high-quality KVM VPS/5 optional numerical models - foreign host evaluation

Nodeblade - boutique storage VPS+low price and high quality KVM VPS/5 numerical options

nodeblade, So far, it has deployed its own servers in five data centers around the world to operate VPS business, including OpenVZ and KVM virtual; The official regular VPS price is relatively normal (high price). Here we list several special and cheap VPS of NodeBlade, and you can buy them if you need them

 Nodeblade - $15 annual payment VPS/256m memory/80g hard disk/Dallas - foreign host evaluation

Nodeblade - $15 VPS/256m memory/80g hard disk/Dallas

Nodeblade's Dallas machine room has released several special VPS, 1000M ports, and an annual payment of $15 for 80G hard disks... If large memory is needed, there is also a 3G memory version... Dallas machine room is located in the middle of the United States, and it is not fast to come to China, but the air exhaust is less than that of the West Coast, and it is relatively stable, so there is no requirement

 Nodeblade - $15 annual payment/128m memory/80g hard disk/500g traffic/New Jersey - foreign host evaluation

Nodeblade - $15 annual payment/128m memory/80g hard disk/500g traffic/New Jersey

Nodeblade.com has released several cheap VPS for their computer rooms in Germany and New Jersey, the prices of which are relatively competitive, including those based on KVM and OpenVZ virtualization, those with large memory, and those with large hard disks. I recommend buying OVZ with 80G hard disk for backup at $15 a year. yes...

 NodeBlade-6 US $/5g memory/400g hard disk/2T traffic/Germany foreign host evaluation

NodeBlade-6 US $/5g memory/400g hard disk/2T traffic/Germany

NodeBlade, It is a small host business established at the end of 2015, registered in Florida, the United States. At present, its main business is to operate VPS, including KVM and OVZ virtual forms, and data centers in Germany and New Jersey, the United States. Today, I will mainly talk about some promotions at their home, especially the 5G memory of the German computer room: if you