How about uuuvps? US CN2 VPS of native IP under detailed evaluation

uuuvps There are three types of vps services provided in the United States: ISP IP+AS9929 high-end network( Detailed evaluation of VPS of four network American AS9929 network+ISP IP )Native IP+AS4837( Measured Los Angeles VPS of Unicom AS4837 line+native IP )And native IP+AS4809/CN2. Since the previous two categories of vps have released evaluation data on the host evaluation station, it is still necessary to make a simple evaluation of the CN2 network to share with you. Through the test data, we should be able to judge whether it is suitable for our own use in the domestic network environment.



Official website:


KVM virtual, pure SSD raid10200Mbps bandwidth, native IP, telecom CN2, China Unicom/mobile direct connection

Memory CPU SSD flow Price purchase
1G 1 core 30G 0.8T 48 yuan/month link
2G 2 cores 50G 1.0T 84 yuan/month link
4G 4-core 80G 1.2T 158 yuan/month link
8G 6 cores 100G 1.5T 256 yuan/month link
16G 8 cores 150G 3.0T 576 yuan/month link


The CPU model used by the server is (40 cores, 80 threads, 2.2GHz main frequency, 3.6GHz acceleration frequency), BBR is enabled, IPv6 is not supported, the IP belongs to Los Angeles, the United States, and the current I/O is about 127MB/S:


The approximate results of FIO test data reading and writing are as follows:


Bandwidth uplink and downlink test data of domestic three networks and multiple nodes:


Continue to see the test results at the evening peak time:


Test results of some international nodes of


Test results of some Asian nodes of


iperf3, Test data of several international popular nodes:


For the file stored on the test VPS, Guangzhou Unicom Jiakuan directly downloads the file with the browser at the following speed:


Then look at the download speed at the evening peak time:


Evening peak, Guangdong Jiangmen Mobile, download speed:


In the evening peak, Hubei Shiyan Telecom, the download speed (this machine is 100M bandwidth, full):


Evening peak, Sichuan Meishan Unicom, download speed:


Delay test data of domestic three networks and multiple nodes:



Telecommunication journey: CN2


Unicom's journey: the backbone network directly connects to the Unicom node in Los Angeles, and then connects to the COgent machine room


Mobile journey: directly connect to the mobile node in San Jose and then go to Los Angeles


Telecom return:

Beijing direction: go to sea from San Jose by cogent, international route

Shanghai/Guangzhou direction: take CN2 to return home




China Unicom return trip: take Telecom CN2 to return home




Mobile return: take CMI direct link to return home




Qualitative analysis of IP part: quite good


Tiktok unlocking test:


Some cross region streaming media are unlocked: all are unlocked


Some streaming media in North America are unlocked: almost all of them are dry


VPS performance test, some data:





To sum up:

At present, it is estimated that individual I/O is limited (it seems that each person is about 100MB/S), and the CPU performance is OK;

In terms of network, to: Telecom CN2, China Unicom and China Mobile are directly connected; Return trip: China Telecom and China Unicom use CN2, and China Mobile uses direct connection to return;

Generally speaking, it is also good. It is more suitable for telecom and China Unicom user groups. If Mobile is in the late peak, you need to try it yourself.


Uuuvps All VPS Evaluation

Hong Kong BGP:


American AS9929+ISP:

American AS4837:

QQ group of this station: 812451114, contact webmaster: