How about locvps? VPS evaluation of Sydney Data Center, Australia

It is estimated that the vast majority of people with Australian business want to find a fast and reliable Australian vps/Australian ECS locvps Australia's vps service is provided. According to the official statement, it is bgp hybrid network access, peak bandwidth, and two-way traffic calculation; Are Australian vps that support Windows and Linux operating systems and lockvps suitable for use in the three networks environment in China? How about performance? Next, please see the specific measured data for reference only.



Official website:


The CPU model used by the server is e5-2695v4 (36 cores, 72 threads, main frequency 2.1GHz, acceleration frequency 3.3GHz for dual channels). The webmaster has enabled BBR, which belongs to Australia, and the current hard disk I/O is about 287MB/S:


Read and write the FIO test data. The approximate test results are as follows:


Bandwidth uplink and downlink test data of domestic three networks and multiple nodes:


Compared with the data in the daytime, we can see the situation of the evening peak:


Test data of some international nodes of


Test data of some Asian nodes of


iperf3, Test data of several popular international nodes are as follows:


For the files stored on the test VPS, Guangzhou Unicom widely uses Chrome to download the files. The approximate download speed is:


Let's look at the download speed of the evening peak:


Evening peak, Hubei Shiyan Telecom, download speed:


Evening peak, Guangdong Jiangmen Mobile, download speed:


Evening peak, Sichuan Meishan Unicom, download speed:


Delay test data of domestic three networks and multiple nodes:



Telecom journey: directly connect to the telecom San Jose node, then go to zayo and transfer to GSL to Australia


Unicom's journey: from Hong Kong to Australia


Mobile journey: Hong Kong CMI to Telstra to Australia


Telecom return trip: take China Unicom AS9929 link to return home




China Unicom return trip: take China Unicom AS9929 link to return home




Mobile backhaul: take the China Unicom AS9929 link to return home




Tiktok unlocking test:


Partial cross region streaming media unlocking test:


Some Oceania streaming media unlocking tests:


VPS performance test, some test data:





To sum up:

The VPS performance is OK, the CPU is OK, and the hard disk I/O is OK;

In terms of network, China Telecom bypassed the United States, and China Unicom and China Mobile both went from Hong Kong to Australia; All the three networks are forced to return to China via the high-end network of Unicom AS9929.


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