Lisahost: VPS in Taiwan/Singapore/the United States, ISP residential IP (streaming media pass kill/e-commerce operation, etc.), high-speed network (AS9929/AS4809/AS4837), only 68 yuan/month

lisahost (2017~) It mainly operates the cloud server business. The data centers are distributed in the United States, Singapore and Taiwan, and access to three networks CN2 GIA, three networks AS9929, three networks AS4837, international BGP and other lines. It provides dual ISP, ISP, native IPv4, especially suitable for streaming media unlocking (playing games, watching videos, operating e-commerce, doing tasks, etc.). When prompted, if high-speed access is required, please select AS9929/AS4809/AS4837. These are optimized for high-speed access in China. Other indirect lines need relevant auxiliary means to achieve high-speed effect.


Official website:


Taiwan ISP residential VPS

The non mainland direct connection network is optimized. By default, the native IP address of Taiwan isp residence is allocated. Streaming media is fully unlocked, and the unlocking animation is crazy. The IP address is pure, 1Gbps ultra bandwidth, NVMe high-performance solid state disk, and fast read and write speed. Support Chatgpt, FB marketing, WHATSAPP marketing, Amazon e-commerce, Shopee,Netflix, DISNEY , Animation crazy, etc. Support the installation of Windows, and optimize the network through direct connection to the mainland. The official advice is to transfer to use!

Evaluation article:

Memory CPU NVMe flow bandwidth Price purchase
1G 1 core 10G 2T/month 300M 366 yuan/year link
1G 1 core 10G 4T/month 500M 48 yuan/month link
1G 1 core 20G 6T/month 1Gbps 68 yuan/month link
2G 2 cores 40G 10T/month 1Gbps 88 yuan/month link
4G 4-core 80G 20T/month 1Gbps 188 yuan/month link
2G 2 cores 40G unlimited 200M 398 yuan/month link
4G 4-core 80G unlimited 500M 598 yuan/month link


Singapore ISP Residential VPS

The non mainland direct connection optimizes the network. The direct connection speed of China Unicom and some regions of China Mobile is good. The official transfer business is used through Hong Kong or Japan lines, with a delay of 30ms in Hong Kong and 70ms in Japan.

Evaluation article:

Memory CPU NVMe flow bandwidth Price purchase
1G 1 core 10G 4T/month 500M 48 yuan/month link
1G 1 core 20G 6T/month 1Gbps 68 yuan/month link
2G 2 cores 40G 10/month 1Gbps 88 yuan/month link
4G 4-core 80G 20/month 1Gbps 188 yuan/month link
2G 2 cores 40G unlimited 200M 398 yuan/month link
4G 4-core 80G unlimited 500M 598 yuan/month link


US dual ISP/residential IP+three networks AS9929

The default allocation of dual isp home wide residential native IP in the United States is pure IP, good Tiktok operating data, large bandwidth of the host computer, NVMe high-performance solid state disk, and fast read and write speed. It supports unlocking American games, Tiktok, Chatgpt, FB marketing, WHATSAPP marketing, Amazon e-commerce, Netflix, HULU, DISNEY, StartZ, HBO MAX, ESPN, Amazon Prime Video, etc. Windows installation is supported.

Evaluation article:

Memory CPU NVMe flow bandwidth Price purchase
1G 1 core 10G 600G/month 50M 499 yuan/year link
1G 1 core 10G 1T/month 50M 68 yuan/month link
1G 1 core 20G 2T/month 60M 88 yuan/month link
2G 2 cores 40G 4T/month 80M 158 yuan/month link
4G 4-core 80G 8T/month 100M 388 yuan/month link
2G 2 cores 40G unlimited 20M 388 yuan/month link
4G 4-core 80G unlimited 50M 1288 yuan/month link


US dual ISP/residential IP+three networks AS4837

The three networks are forced to follow the Unicom AS4837 line, KVM virtual, NVMe array, and the maximum bandwidth is 1Gbps. The default is a dual ISP IPv4 (American native)

Evaluation article:

Memory CPU NVMe flow bandwidth Price purchase
1G 1 core 10G 400G 100M 299 yuan/year link
1G 1 core 20G 3T/month 300M 60 yuan/month link
2G 2 cores 40G 8T/month 500M 100 yuan/month link
4G 4-core 80G 20T/month 1Gbps 300 yuan/month link
2G 2 cores 40G unlimited 200M 198 yuan/month link
8G 8 cores 120G unlimited 500M 498 yuan/month link


American native IP+three networks AS9929

By default, American native IP is allocated, with pure IP and good Tiktok operation data. It supports unlocking American games, Tiktok, Chatgpt, INS, FB marketing, WHATSAPP marketing, Amazon e-commerce, Netflix, HULU, DISNEY, StartZ, HBO MAX, ESPN, Amazon Prime Video, etc. The 9929 line of America's top boutique network.

Memory CPU SSD flow bandwidth Price purchase
1G 1 core 20G 2T/month 60M 132 yuan/quarter link
2G 1 core 40G 4T/month 80M 223 yuan/quarter link
4G 4-core 80G 8T/month 100M 508 yuan/quarter link


Advanced anti DDoS VPS+CN2 GIA network+native IP

Unlock some US IP lock services, US native IP (supporting Tiktok, Chatgpt), six networks (Telecom, Unicom, Mobile, Radio and Television Cable, Dr. Peng, Sci Tech), and return CN2 GIA boutique network, to ensure that the network does not jam at low latency during peak hours, direct connection on the way to ensure access stability and defense, default 50G defense, 100G solution within seconds, and 15 minutes after exceeding 100G unblock. You can pay up to 100G defense. For more information, please consult the work order.

Memory CPU NVMe flow bandwidth Price purchase
2G 2 cores 40G 1200G 25M 256 yuan/quarter link
4G 4-core 80G 3T/month 50M 396 yuan/month link


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