Recommend a batch of VPS of US ISP IP/US residential IP/US local IP/US native IP to facilitate video unlocking/game playing/store operation/network promotion

Operating tiktok stores Amazon stores Shopee and other stores, watching videos netflix Disney hulu, online promotion fb whats0a0pp chat0gpt, playing games and so on all need some special IP, otherwise it will be prohibited by the merchants to achieve the purpose. Here we recommend a batch of US ISP IP / US residential ip / Native IP in the United States Qualitative US vps Merchants can effectively meet everyone's needs.

 ISP IP、 Residential IP, ISP residential VPS


ZgoVPS , High end CUII/CMIN2, American native IP (clean IP, unlocking ultra multi streaming media)

Official website:  

The VPS of the Los Angeles computer room in the United States all use the native American clean virgin IP (which has been reserved before and has not been used by anyone), and the official application for Google isp peering has been made, Never "deliver" , access to enterprise level high-speed networks CMIN2, CUII, CN2 GIA, and use high-performance hardware AMD EPYC or Ryzen 7950X, DDR4/5 memory, data center version NVMe SSD array. American native IP, an absolute clean debut, can unlock most American streaming media. Native IP, high-speed network, high-performance hardware, cost-effective, worth trying!

Evaluation article:

Three net pure high-end:

Three net pure CMIN2:


Three net pure international line:


EdgeNat , US tri networks AS4837, US native IP/ISP

Official website:

Established in 2019, it mainly operates VPS businesses in the United States, Hong Kong and South Korea. Among them, VPS in Los Angeles, the United States, enforces a three network 4837 line, and the server is hosted in the Coresite machine room. With native American IP/ISP IP, it can unlock more American streaming media. Xeon Gold 6133, NVME enterprise solid state disk for server hardware; The bottom layer is KVM virtual, and the system disk is free of charge for 20G. Starting from 2G memory, it supports the Windows system.

Evaluation article:


Lightlayer , UK three network direct connection, dual ISP IP

Official website:

It mainly operates cloud servers, independent servers and GPU servers in the United States, the Philippines, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. Among them, the UK cloud server provides dual ISP class IP, three network direct connection lines, and has a powerful streaming media unlocking function, which is very suitable for our media, e-commerce/foreign trade customer groups.

Evaluation article:


Lisahost , Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, the United States, the United Kingdom, native IP/dual ISP IP

Official website:  

Main VPS business, providing VPS business for computer rooms in Hong Kong and Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, the United States, and the United Kingdom, using native IP, residential dual ISP IP, pure IP, good Tiktok operating data, support for unlocking games, Chatgpt, INS, FB marketing, WHATSAPP marketing, Amazon e-commerce TEMU, ETSY, Netflix, HULU, DISNEY, StartZ, HBO MAX, ESPN, Amazon Prime Video, etc. Among them, the network of the American computer room can be high-end AS9929/CUII, high-end AS4809/CN2 GIA, fast AS4837, fast mobile CMI network used in Hong Kong, and the rest are international lines.

Evaluation article:

Hong Kong:





American AS4837:

American AS9929:


OneTechCloud , American CUII/American CN2 GIA/American AS4837, Hong Kong CN2/Hong Kong CMI, native IP/ISP IP

Official website:

Founded in 2019, it is mainly engaged in VPS business, providing native IP, ISP type IP in the US VPS and Hong Kong VPS. The access network can be selected from the US tri network AS9929/CUII, US tri network AS4809/CN2 GIA, US tri network AS4837, China tri network Hong Kong CMI, China Hong Kong CN2. It has fast speed, low latency, and native IP can unlock streaming media


MoonVM , Taiwan Hinet/APOL, Hong Kong HGC/HKT/WGC, native IP/ISP IP

Official website:  

Established in 2018, it mainly operates Taiwan VPS and Hong Kong VPS, with computer rooms in Taiwan (HINET, APOL) and Hong Kong (HKT, HGC, WTT); VPS provides dual ISP IP, with limited and unlimited network bandwidth. VPS is based on KVM virtualization, SSD raid array, and has a dynamic (free switchover) or static IPv4.

Evaluation article:

Hong Kong HKT:

Hong Kong HGC:

Taiwan Hinet:

Taiwan APOL:


Tothost , Vietnam VNPT, Vietnam ISP class IP

Official website:

Founded in 2021, it mainly operates virtual host, VPS and independent server rental business in Vietnam. Its Vietnam VPS is KVM virtual, pure SSD array, 100Mbps bandwidth, unlimited traffic, and has an IPv4/free IPv6. If you want ISP IP, you must select "VNPT Hanoi – ISP IP" when placing an order.

Evaluation article:


Tmhhost , US AS9929/CUII, AS4837, dual ISP residential IP

Official website:

Founded in 2019, it mainly operates the VPS and independent server business of computer rooms in Los Angeles, USA and Hong Kong, China. The AS9929 series in Los Angeles, USA provides native IP and dual ISPs, which are suitable for unlocking streaming media and cross-border e-commerce. Special note: The company is operated by a domestic company and needs Alipay scanning code for real name authentication.

Evaluation article:


Vmiss , UK AS9929, dual ISP attribute residential IP

Founded in 2022, a Canadian company, operated by Chinese, provides dual ISP property residential IP+AS9929 high-end network VPS for London computer rooms in the UK, which is suitable for streaming media unlocking, tactful e-commerce, etc. In addition, VPS from Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and the United States are also provided, which are all high-speed optimized for the Chinese mainland, such as CN2, CUII, CMIN2, Softbank, IIJ, etc. No real name, PayPal and Alipay are required.

Evaluation article:

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