How about kamatera? Cloud server evaluation of Madrid Data Center, Spain

How about kamatera kamatera How about Spanish cloud service/Spanish vps? Kamatera has its own cloud server business in Madrid, the largest city in Spain and the first city in Spain. By default, it accesses 10Gbps bandwidth and uses VMware virtual, enterprise class NVMe SSD hard disk,


Official website

Founded in 1995, although the company is registered in the United States, it is actually an Israeli company; It mainly operates the cloud server business in Israel (5 data centers), the United States (5 data centers), Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Sweden, and Spain.


Minimum ECS

I don't know how big the bandwidth is. The webmaster has tested the ECS in all 18 data centers. The highest one is 15Gbps, and the lowest one is more than 1Gbps, so I don't know how big it is.

  • Memory: 1G
  • CPU: 1 core
  • Hard disk: 20G SSD (SAN array)
  • Traffic/bandwidth: 5T/month, 1Gbps
  • Price: $4/month
  • Buy Link


CPU is Intel Xeon Platinum 8358P (delivered in the second quarter of 2021, 32 cores, 64 threads, main frequency 2.6GHz acceleration frequency 3.4GHz), BBR is enabled, its own ASN belongs to Madrid, Spain, and current I/O is about 1297MB/S:


The FIO test reads and writes, and the approximate data is as follows:


The speedtest is tested in three networks and multiple nodes in China. The approximate data is as follows:


Looking at the data of the evening peak, many nodes cannot run at night:


Some international node tests of speedtest:


Node tests in some Asian regions of speedtest:


Iperf3 tests several European and American nodes:


The files stored on the test ECS can be downloaded by Guangzhou Unicom's home broadband directly using the browser. The approximate speed is:


Download speed at night peak:


Evening peak, Hubei Shiyan Telecom, download speed:


Evening peak, Sichuan Meishan Unicom, download speed:


Delay test data of domestic three networks and multiple nodes:




Telecom journey: the backbone network is directly connected to the telecom node in San Jose, America, and then goes to Madrid, Spain via GTT


Unicom's journey: the backbone network is directly connected to the United States San Jose node and then goes to Madrid, Spain via GTT


Mobile journey: directly connect to the mobile London node, then go to Cogent, pass through France, and finally go to Spain


Telecom return trip: take COgent, pass France and Britain, and return home from the peer of Telecom and COgent in London




China Unicom return journey: take COGENT to return home through France and Germany




Move backhaul:

Beijing/Guangzhou direction: take the COGENT to the east coast of the United States and then go back to the sea from the west coast of Los Angeles

Shanghai direction: take COGENT, pass France and Britain, and return from London




Tiktok unlocking: invalid


Can unlock: steam currency, chatgpt


Some European streaming media unlocking tests:


The ECS performance test is quite powerful:





To sum up:

The performance of ECS is quite powerful, and all kinds of data are cracked;

In terms of network, this is a purely international line, even bypassing the international cloud server in the United States. In addition to Unicom users, it is not suitable for domestic customer groups.

QQ group of this station: 812451114, contact webmaster: