Definition: What does VPS mean? What can VPS do? Why is VPS used?

VPS is the acronym of English Virtual Private Server, and the Chinese translation is "Virtual Private Server" or "Virtual Private Server". In short, the independent server (physical machine) is divided into multiple "servers" through certain "virtualization technology". The divided "server" has the same function as the independent server (physical machine). You can almost think that the independent server can do whatever VPS can do, just a real physical device, One is virtual on real devices.

Therefore, we must understand that in terms of resource use, VPS is always lower than an independent server or can only be infinitely close to an independent server, which cannot be equal to an independent server; In the future, we will also come into contact with VDS, Bare Metal Server, etc., which is the same. As long as virtualization technology is used, there will be a certain performance loss. It can't be the same. No matter how awesome it is, it can only use a mathematical word "unlimited access"; Finally, in the case of marketization, considering costs and profits, there are instances of oversold or multiple users competing for resources.

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