0ping: € 9/month, German VPS, 8G memory/2 cores (thread ripper)/60gNVMe/20Gbps bandwidth

0ping . eu, established in 2020, mainly operates the VPS business of the German data center, and roughly divides the VPS types into: 1Gbps bandwidth unlimited traffic, 10Gbps bandwidth, 10Gbps bandwidth (starting from 50T/month), 5GHz main frequency, Windows VPS, AMD thread ripper, game VPS, etc. All VPS are virtual by KVM by default, using NVMe hard disk, and Voxility to provide super DDoS defense



Official website: https://0ping.eu/

According to the netizens in the group, the order has not been opened for 36 hours, and the efficiency is relatively slow!


10Gbps bandwidth VPS

KVM virtual, pure NVMe array, 10Gbps bandwidth, with an IPV4, voxility advanced anti DDoS

Memory CPU NVMe flow Price purchase
8G 2 cores 60G 50T/month € 9/month link
16G 4-core 120G 100T/month € 18/month link
24G 6 cores 180G 150T/month € 27/month link
32G 8 cores 240G 200T/month € 36/month link


5GHz Linux VPS

KVM virtual, pure NVMe array, 1Gbps bandwidth, unlimited flow, with an IPV4, voxility advanced anti DDoS

Memory CPU NVMe flow Price purchase
8G 2 cores 60G unlimited € 9/month link
16G 4-core 120G unlimited € 18/month link
24G 6 cores 180G unlimited € 27/month link
32G 8 cores 240G unlimited € 36/month link


Threadripper Linux VPS (AMD thread ripper)

KVM virtual, pure NVMe array, 20Gbps bandwidth, with an IPV4, voxility advanced anti DDoS

Memory CPU NVMe flow Price purchase
8G 2 cores 60G 25T/month € 9/month link
16G 4-core 120G 50T/month € 18/month link
24G 6 cores 180G 75T/month € 27/month link
32G 8 cores 240G 100T/month € 36/month link
QQ group of this station: 812451114, contact webmaster: zhujiceping@vip.qq.com