How about Raksmart Singapore ECS? Evaluation of boutique network line (cn2+bgp)

raksmart provide Singapore ECS For business, the website has tested the Singapore cloud server for mainland optimization and international BGP lines before, and the rest of Boutique network lines (that is, cn2+bgp) have not been tested. For those who want to buy Raksmart Singapore ECS You may want to read the webmaster's evaluation data before deciding whether to buy. This test is for reference only!

 How about Raksmart's Singapore ECS? Welcome to the BGP line evaluation



Official website:

American companies do not need real names or spare copies, but can pay with cryptocurrency, credit cards, paypal and Alipay.

  • Singapore ECS DIY configuration
  • Memory: 1G~512G
  • CPU: 1~80 cores
  • System disk: 40G, free
  • Data disk: SSD/HDD optional, 0G~unlimited
  • Bandwidth: 1Mbps~5Gbps
  • IPv4: 1~64
  • Discount code: Cloud-TP-30%dis 
  • Price: $7.8 per month
  • Buy Link


The default CPU model is e5-2698v4 (2.2GHz main frequency). BBR is enabled. Raksmart's own AS broadcasts IP. The current hard disk I/O is about 81MB/S:


The FIO test hard disk read/write is roughly as follows:


This time, we started an ECS with 20Mbps bandwidth for testing. We used to run up and down the domestic three network nodes to see how much bandwidth can be flushed? It is roughly as follows:


Like the above test, let's look at the data of the evening peak:


Run several speedtest international nodes to see:


Continue to test the nodes in the Asia region of speedtest to see the effect:


Run several European and American nodes with iperf3:


The files stored on the test ECS can be downloaded directly from the home bandwidth of Guangzhou Telecom. Check the speed:


Compared with the daytime speed in the figure above, we can see the effect of the evening peak:


Evening peak, Hubei Shiyan Telecom, download speed:


Evening peak, Sichuan Meishan Unicom, download speed:


Delay test of domestic three networks and multiple nodes:



Telecom trip: via Hong Kong to Singapore


Unicom to Singapore via South Korea and Hong Kong


Mobile journey: from Hong Kong to Singapore


Telecom return trip: directly connect to Hong Kong from the telecom Singapore node and then take CN2 back to the mainland




Unicom return: Directly connect to Hong Kong from the Singapore node of Telecom, and then take CN2 back to the mainland




Mobile backhaul: direct connection from mobile Singapore node to China




Tiktok streaming media test, in the United States and non Singapore, the pot of broadcast IP:


Partial cross region streaming media unlocking test:


As it is a broadcast IP, the streaming media in North America will also be unlocked for a test:


ECS performance test:





To sum up:

At present, the performance of ECS is good, and hard disk I/O is not as good as that of conventional VPS, which is understandable;

In terms of network, both China Telecom and China Unicom are directly connected to Hong Kong by telecommunications, and then go back to the mainland by CN2 from Hong Kong, while China Mobile is directly back to China; On the whole, the return trip of the three networks is quite good.

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