How about megalayer? San Jose Premium Network Line Evaluation

megalayer What about? Megalayer How about the San Jose Premium Network? Megalayer's San Jose data center in the United States is divided into international lines and optimized lines. The host evaluation has already written the evaluation of international lines“ How about megalayer? Standard Network Line Evaluation in San Jose, USA ”。 This time, we bring you the San Jose Premium Network line evaluation, and the test data is only for reference.



Stand alone server:


The CPU model is unknown, the main frequency is 2.5GHz, the webmaster has enabled BBR, megalayer's own AS, and the current hard disk I/O is about 201MB/S:


FIO tests the data read and write of the hard disk again:


The default bandwidth of the tested VPS is 15Mbps. Let's run the uplink and downlink bandwidth using the domestic three network nodes of to see how much can be flushed in China? Approximate test results:


Under the continuous test, during the evening peak period, the approximate data are as follows: continues to test international nodes, Europe, America, Asia and Africa:


Continue to run the nodes in Asia, and the approximate results are as follows:


The iperf3 tests several nodes in Europe and the United States:


The files stored on the test VPS, Guangzhou Telecom, can be downloaded directly from the browser. The approximate speed is:


In the evening peak hours, Guangzhou Telecom, download speed:


Evening peak, Hubei Shiyan Telecom, download speed:


Evening peak, Sichuan Chengdu Unicom, download speed:


Domestic three network multi node delay test data:



For the telecommunication journey, CN2:


China Unicom goes to CN2:


Mobile travel, CMI direct connection:


Telecom return trip: all take CN2 line




Unicom return trip: all take CN2 line




Mobile backhaul: all backhaul will take CN2 line




Cross regional streaming media unlocking test can unlock many:


Some streaming media unlocking tests in North America:


VPS performance test, some parameters test results:





Broadly speaking:

At present, VPS performance is relatively weak, and it should be more than enough for general websites;

In terms of network, CN2 is used for the three networks on the return trip, and CN2+is used for the direct connection between China Telecom and China Unicom on the return trip.


Evaluation of all megalayer machine rooms

Hong Kong Premium Network:

American Premium Network:

American Standard Network:

Philippines Premium Network:

Philippines International Network:

Singapore Premium Network:

Singapore International Network:

QQ group of this station: 812451114, contact webmaster: