"Record free VPS" recommendation: cheap, fast and reliable merchants

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All VPS of the merchants below are free of filing~!


https://bwh89.net The fastest "Hong Kong VPS, Japan VPS, America VPS, Netherlands VPS"

Hong Kong cn2 gia with 1Gbps, Japan cn2 gia with 1.2Gbps, Japan Softbank with 10Gbps, America cn2 gia with 10Gbps, CUII with 10Gbps Netherland Unicom, focusing on enterprise level ultra high-end network, Canadian company (IT7), has been operating since 2004! VPS provides one click functions such as snapshot, backup, IP change, and root password modification, which are convenient and practical. There is no second VPS merchant in the market that can guarantee such high-end lines. Ignoring the explosion of the backbone network in the evening peak, the mainland access speed is extremely fast, which can be used directly instead of the filing server. Official website: https://bwh89.net

Preferential promotions: https://www.zhujiceping.com/40449.html

Evaluation article

Hong Kong CN2 GIA: https://www.zhujiceping.com/46332.html

Hong Kong CMI: https://www.zhujiceping.com/52147.html

Japan CN2 GIA: https://www.zhujiceping.com/47732.html

Softbank: https://www.zhujiceping.com/44982.html

US CN2 GIA: https://www.zhujiceping.com/44957.html

Netherland Unicom AS9929: https://www.zhujiceping.com/44930.html


https://www.raksmart.com , the United States, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, high-end optimized network

The old computer rooms in the United States that have operated for more than 20 years, independent server rental and equipment hosting are core businesses. Data centers in the United States (San Jose, Los Angeles), Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan support both Chinese and English, and cryptocurrency credit card PayPal Alipay can be paid. VPS ECS Based on KVM virtualization, the system is separated from data (40G system disk and data disk are infinitely expanded by default), with a maximum of 256G memory, 48 cores, support for Linux and Windows server 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019 in Chinese and English, free snapshots, free backups... Official website: https://www.raksmart.com

Evaluation article

Hong Kong Boutique: https://www.zhujiceping.com/46365.html

Hong Kong Mainland Optimization: https://www.zhujiceping.com/52250.html

Japan Boutique: https://www.zhujiceping.com/48164.html

Japan Continental Optimization: https://www.zhujiceping.com/48137.html

Singapore Mainland Optimization: https://www.zhujiceping.com/52280.html

Silicon Valley CN2: https://www.zhujiceping.com/44681.html

Silicon Valley Boutique Website: https://www.zhujiceping.com/44630.html

Silicon Valley Continental Optimization: https://www.zhujiceping.com/44473.html

Los Angeles - CN2: https://www.zhujiceping.com/46422.html

Los Angeles - Continental Optimization: https://www.zhujiceping.com/46371.html


https://www.aoyoyun.com , optimized route: Hong Kong Japan South Korea United States Netherlands Germany

Founded in 2010, the company is registered in Australia and the United States, and mainly operates VPS of high-end lines such as Hong Kong CN2, South Korea CN2, the United States Tri Network CN2, Softbank Japan, Germany CN2, and the Netherlands CN2. The domestic direct connection speed is fast. It supports Windows and Linux systems, can switch IP (10 yuan/time) with one key, and can take snapshots.

Evaluation article:


https://gcore.com 31 machine rooms in Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and the United States

In recent years, a well-known Luxembourg host company, whose business includes independent servers, CDN, VPS, etc; Provide machine services in more than 30 countries and regions around the world; Japan, South Korea, Singapore, India, the United States, Russia (including the Far East), etc., default to 200Mbps bandwidth, with no traffic restrictions. Official website: https://gcore.com

Evaluation article

China Hong Kong: https://www.zhujiceping.com/38660.html

Japan Tokyo: https://www.zhujiceping.com/40256.html

Korea - Seoul: https://www.zhujiceping.com/40653.html

Singapore: https://www.zhujiceping.com/40382.html

United States - Santa Clara: https://www.zhujiceping.com/40237.html

Russia - Boli: https://www.zhujiceping.com/40632.html

Russia Vladivostok: https://www.zhujiceping.com/40615.html

South Africa Johannesburg: https://www.zhujiceping.com/41237.html


https://vmiss.com , monthly payment of 18 yuan, cn2 in Hong Kong, cn2 in South Korea, cn2 in the United States, and IIJ in Japan

The Canadian company mainly operates the VPS business of Hong Kong's cn2, South Korea's cn2, the United States' cn2 gia, and Japan's iij direct link lines optimized by the Chinese mainland. The price is as low as 18 yuan/month, the bandwidth is large, and the traffic is also large. It supports PayPal and Alipay payments, and the billing currency is Canadian dollars.

Evaluation article:

US cn2 gia: https://www.zhujiceping.com/51216.html

Hong Kong cn2:   https://www.zhujiceping.com/51249.html

Japan iij direct connection: https://www.zhujiceping.com/51522.html

Korea cn2: https://www.zhujiceping.com/53276.html


https://gigsgigscloud.com , Hong Kong Japan Malaysia Singapore the United States, with CN2GIA

VPS company in Malaysia supports both Chinese and English. Main operations: independent servers and VPS of computer rooms in Hong Kong (direct connection, large bandwidth, CN2), Japan (Softbank, CN2), Malaysia, Los Angeles (CN2 GIA, advanced defense), etc., and pay with Alipay, PayPal, etc. Official website: https://www.gigsgigscloud.com

Evaluation article:

Japan - CN2: https://www.zhujiceping.com/38472.html

USA - CN2 GIA: https://www.zhujiceping.com/42408.html

U.S. - International routes: https://www.zhujiceping.com/47834.html


https://www.hostdare.com , advantages CN2 GIA, fast speed

The foreign merchants established in 2016 mainly operate the host business on the west coast of the United States, especially the optimized routes in Asia, including virtual hosts, VPS, servers, etc., support the payment of "Alipay, PayPal, WeChat, etc.", CN2 GIA high-end network, which is friendly to domestic effects! Official website: www.hostdare.com

Evaluation article: https://www.zhujiceping.com/53424.html


Official website: https://hostyun.com

Hostyun, renamed from the original hostshare, was founded in 2008. It focuses on VPS business of high-end optimized lines facing the Chinese mainland, and has machine rooms available in Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, the United States, Australia, and Russia. VPS in the United States includes: three networks telecom cn2 gia (as4809), three networks unicom CUII (as9929)

[Los Angeles AMD gia]: https://www.zhujiceping.com/49131.html

[Los Angeles kr boutique]: https://www.zhujiceping.com/52562.html

[Los Angeles kr native]: https://www.zhujiceping.com/52629.html


https://www.edgenat.com , American Sannetcom AS4837, 3Gbps bandwidth

VPS of the United States focuses on Unicom's AS4837 line, with a maximum bandwidth of 3Gbps, and supports Linux and Windows systems; It is more suitable for users who need high quality and large bandwidth but do not have enough budget.

Evaluation article: https://www.zhujiceping.com/50213.html


https://www.tripodcloud.com , US cn2 gia, 1Gbps bandwidth

Established in 2018, it focuses on VPS of San Jose computer room, 1Gbps bandwidth, and the three networks are forced to use CN2 GIA network; China Telecom goes to CN2, China Unicom 169 backbones to China Unicom AS19174, and China Mobile CMI goes directly to the United States; The network is super powerful. There are also 100T super flow models,

Evaluation article: https://www.zhujiceping.com/50099.html


https://www.akkocloud.com , the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom are all cn2 gia networks

VPS focusing on high-end lines, the core of which is the cn2 gia network, including the cn2 gia network in Los Angeles, the cn2 gia network in Frankfurt, Germany, and the cn2 gia network in London, UK. It supports up to 1Gbps bandwidth, and has options of limited and unlimited traffic.

Evaluation article:

US cn2 gia: https://www.zhujiceping.com/52110.html

Germany cn2 gia: https://www.zhujiceping.com/52082.html

UK cn2 gia: https://www.zhujiceping.com/46875.html


https://www.hostkvm.com , Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, the United States, Russia and Australia, optimize the route

Founded in 2013, the Hong Kong company operates, and its main VPS business covers Hong Kong, China, Seoul, South Korea, Tokyo and Osaka, Los Angeles, Moscow, Russia, Sydney, Australia. It focuses on cn2+bgp line+as9929 line, and some CMI, IIJ Softbank lines, which are really many high-speed and high-quality lines optimized in mainland China!

Evaluation article:

Hong Kong CN2: https://www.zhujiceping.com/43875.html

Hong Kong CMI: https://www.zhujiceping.com/50340.html

Hong Kong International: https://www.zhujiceping.com/43855.html

Osaka: https://www.zhujiceping.com/43926.html

Tokyo, Japan: https://www.zhujiceping.com/43986.html

Korea CN2: https://www.zhujiceping.com/43966.html

Singapore: https://www.zhujiceping.com/43986.html

US CN2+CU2: https://www.zhujiceping.com/44006.html


https://www.hostwinds.com , Gold management and after-sales

Founded in 2010, the American merchant provides you with FULLY MANAGED products and services at the price of Unmanaged business. A company that is really engaged in low-cost management server host business, its reputation abroad has exploded! There are two machine rooms available in Dallas and Seattle. The products include: virtual host of cpanel panel (free domain name, free independent IP) reseller VPS independent server. Official website: https://www.hostwinds.com

Evaluation article:

Seattle: https://www.zhujiceping.com/47361.html

Dalas: https://www.zhujiceping.com/47325.html


https://buyvm.net , 1Gbps bandwidth, unlimited traffic, US Luxembourg

As early as 2010, it has been well-known, with high reputation and popularity; It mainly operates KVM virtual VPS, three data centers in Las Vegas, New York and Luxembourg, 1Gbps bandwidth, unlimited traffic, free DirectAdmin panel license, and free Windows system! Support super cheap "block storage" to expand super large hard disks. The official strictly pays attention to the user's registration data, and directly kills the scribbling! Official website: https://buyvm.net

Reference of evaluation article:

Las Vegas: https://www.zhujiceping.com/40987.html

Miami: https://www.zhujiceping.com/44187.html

New York: https://www.zhujiceping.com/40956.html

Luxembourg: https://www.zhujiceping.com/41066.html

QQ group of this station: 812451114, contact webmaster: zhujiceping@vip.qq.com