How about uuuvps? Simple evaluation of VPS of cn2 line in San Jose, USA

How about uuuvps Registered in Hong Kong and founded in 2019 uuuvps VPS is provided for the San Jose data center on the west coast of the United States. By default, it is connected to the U.S. cn2 network, providing 200Mbps burst bandwidth for each vps. Only Linux systems do not support Windows. There are promotions in the uuuvps market, US cn2vps Sometimes the price is as low as 99 yuan/year. What about the uuuvps? The host evaluation gives you a simple evaluation, and the data is only for reference!

 Uuuvps: annual low price clearance, US cn2vps as low as 99 yuan/year, Hong Kong cn2vps as low as 89 yuan/year



Official website:


San Jose VPS, preferential annual payment package

100M bandwidth for 512M memory and 200M bandwidth for the rest

Memory CPU Hard disk flow Price purchase
512M 1 core 27G 400G/month 99 yuan/year link
1G 1 core 10G 500G/month 178 yuan/year link
2G 2 cores 30G 700G/month 316 yuan/year link
4G 4-core 50G 900G/month 557 yuan/year link
8G 6 cores 70G 1000/month 817 yuan/year link


The CPU is e5-2650v2 (2.6GHz main frequency), the current I/O of the hard disk is about 470MB/S, and the station master has enabled the BBR:


Read/write status of hard disk under FIO detailed test:


The official website says 200Mbps bandwidth, but according to the results of speedtest on different nodes, it may be 1Gbps, right?


The same test is still good when we switch to the evening peak:


Test results of some nodes in America, Europe, Asia and Africa:


Test results of multiple nodes in Asia:


The iperf3 runs through several nodes in Europe and the United States:


The file stored on the test chicken can only be downloaded by using Chrome browser. Check the speed:


For the same download speed measurement, we can see that it has decreased to less than one third of the original, but there is still 5.2 MB/S:


The delay is tested by domestic three networks and multiple nodes. The data is as follows:



For the telecommunication journey, CN2:


China Unicom goes, and the backbone network goes directly to America Unicom (as19174) and then to the computer room:


Mobile travel, direct international CMI line:


Return trip to domestic telecom: all take CN2




Return trip to China Unicom: forced to take the CN2 link of China Telecom to return home




Return trip to China Mobile: forced to take the telecommunication CN2 link to return home




TIKTOK Streaming Media Unlocking Test: Mauritius, OK. Why does the US VPS display Mauritius? Because it is a problem with the broadcast IP and the original IP data!


Cross region streaming media unlocking test results:


North American streaming media unlocking test:


A little performance test data:



To sum up:

To the destination, the telecom goes to CN2; China Unicom, China Unicom directly connects with American Unicom AS19174; Mobile, international CMI direct;

On the return trip, the three networks are forced to take the telecommunication CN2 link to return home; On the whole, it ensured a high-speed return!

Fairly good performance, personal use should be due to stamping! Due to the activities, the price is too cheap, and the cost performance ratio is particularly high!

QQ group of this station: 812451114, contact webmaster: