Simply evaluate the "Los Angeles kr boutique" series VPS of China Unicom AS9929 of hostyun

hostyun A lot of services have been deployed in the KR machine room in Los Angeles. From the perspective of VPS alone, there are four major categories. However, on the whole, there is little difference in the lines. All the three networks are directly connected to the Unicom AS9929 line. This host evaluation brings you the VPS evaluation data of the [Los Angeles kr boutique] series, which is only for reference!

 Simply evaluate the VPS of 10Gbps bandwidth of mobile CMI line in hostyun Hong Kong EQ machine room



Official website:

You need to register an account first, and then see the specific VPS classification and purchase details in the background!


Let's take a look at the official brief introduction: High frequency dual E5, Intel SSD hard disk, Raid 10, Unicom CU2VIP 9929, three networks direct connection, broadcast IP for the Americas, VPS limited IO, non 4837 low-cost lines.


When the BBR is enabled, the hard disk I/O is about 82MB/S (I/O is limited for every chicken as mentioned earlier):


When FIO tests the read/write of the hard disk, pay attention to the I/O limit mentioned above:


The minimum configured VPS provides 200Mbps bandwidth. Let's use to run it at the nodes of the three networks in China. How much can the uplink and downlink run? As follows:


You can't just look at the daytime, right? During the evening peak, the backbone network explodes and decays. This is the key point:


The test results of some nodes in America, Europe, Asia and Africa are as follows:


Pay more attention to the general situation of the nodes in Asia:


The files stored on the test chicken can be downloaded directly from Guangzhou Telecom and Chrome at the following speed:


Compared with the effect of the evening peak, there seems to be no attenuation change, right?


Delay monitoring data of domestic multiple nodes:



Telecommunication journey: CN2


China Unicom: AS9929


Mobile journey: international CMI route


Return trip to domestic telecom: standard AS9929, international AS10099 to AS9929 and then to telecom




Return to China Unicom: take China Unicom AS9929




Returning to China Mobile: It is also mandatory to take the link of China Unicom AS9929 and transfer to China Mobile after returning home




TIKTOK streaming media unlocking detection: OK, US


Cross regional streaming media platform detection:


Testing of multiple streaming media platforms in North America:


A little test data on performance:



To sum up:

On the way, the three networks are directly connected. China Telecom is connected to CN2, China Unicom is connected to AS9929, and China Mobile is connected to CMI directly;

On the return trip, it is mandatory to go back to China via the China Unicom AS9929 link.

The performance is OK. It limits everyone's I/O to 100MB/S, which has little impact on individuals. If this I/O can't meet your needs, you'd better go to an independent server!


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