[Updated in 2022] The most comprehensive and detailed way to introduce you to the US host company bluehost

bluehost , a well-known hosting company in the United States, one of the most famous virtual hosting companies in the world, and one of the hosting companies officially recommended by WordPress. It was founded in 2003, and its core computer room is located in Provo, Utah, and later expanded to Orem. Later, it expanded to London, India, Mumbai, Brazil, Australia, Hong Kong, China... Please remember that Utah is its core computer room, as well as its headquarters and birthplace!



Official website: https://www.bluehost.com

At present, bluehost provides hosting services for more than 2 million websites around the world, has more than 750 staff, has cooperated with WordPress, a world-famous open source CMS program, for more than 10 years (also one of the core developers of WordPress), and can provide secure, reliable, and multi-purpose host services based on Linux, Apache, PHP, and MySQL environments.


Bluehost support

Secure Shell (SSH)、.htaccess、 MySQL、PostgreSQL、PHP 7.3、PHP.INI、MySQL 5 、HTTP/2、NGINX+ Cache、 Free SSL

WordPress, b2evolution, Coppermine, joomla, drupal, phpbb, Moodle, Tikiwiki, OS Commerce, Agora, Cube Cart, Zen Cart and other open-source PHP programs can be installed with one click and optimized.


Bluehost's main products

Virtual host of cpanel panel (WordPress host, online mall host, Reseller distribution)

VPS (ECS, based on OpenStack cloud architecture)

Stand alone server


Payment Instructions

By default, credit card payment is used. There is a "Payment Information" on the payment page, and a line "Pay by credit card" below it, or see Fewer payment options”, Click "Fewer payment options" to change to PayPal payment. Please remember that all payments are automatically renewed by default. If you are paying by credit card, please contact the official staff to cancel the renewal before not using it; If you are paying for PayPal, you can contact the staff to cancel or you can directly cancel the binding of bluehost in the PayPal background circular payment!


Refund Instructions

Within 3~30 days, you can enjoy a full refund; No refund after 30 days.

If you accept the default free registration domain name when you purchase the product, the domain name's money will be deducted and will not be refunded.


How to view the test IP of bluehost?

Each virtual host of bluehost has a number, such as box368 bluehost.com , just change the number in the next issue. The domain name can be used to ping, tracert, etc. directly.



Does bluehost have a Chinese website?

No, If there is, it is made by a third party, unofficial.

Does bluehost have a Hong Kong computer room?


Bluehost currently officially supports the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and India. You can see it when switching currencies on the top of the website, which actually means that only these places have computer rooms at present. Please don't think too much!



To buy authentic bluehost products, please identify the only official website:

Official website: https://www.bluehost.com

QQ group of this station: 812451114, contact webmaster: zhujiceping@vip.qq.com