How about digital ocean? [2022] Simple evaluation of Digitalocean computer room in Singapore

How about digital ocean Now? digitalocean What happened to our network? Is the performance still strong? The host evaluation opened a chicken in the Singapore computer room of the digitalcoean to give you a simple evaluation. You can check the data by yourself, and have a visual data comparison. Generally speaking, Singapore is located in Asia, close to us, and has an excellent advantage over Europe and the United States in terms of geographical location. Let's take a look at the test data now!

 How about digital ocean? [2022] Simple evaluation of Digitalocean computer room in Canada



Official website:


For the CPU of AMD EPYC series, if you want to know the specific model, you can check the introduction of the webmaster in the previous article about testing other computer rooms. The current hard disk I/O is about 1.2G/s, and the BBR is turned on:


Detailed hard disk read/write data results:


Use the node to test the bandwidth of the chicken. First, look at the 7:00 p.m. segment. The first one is the nearest node. You can see approximately 2Gbps in the uplink and nearly 10Gbps in the downlink; The other nodes are the domestic three networks, and the data obtained from the test is up to 815Mbps in the uplink and up to 5013Mbps in the downlink:


The following is the data at 7:00 in the daytime:


Test results of other nodes in Asia:


The data of iperf3 testing European and American nodes:


The file stored on the test chicken, the webmaster of Guangzhou Telecom, can be downloaded directly with the browser, and the daytime speed can reach 11MB/S, which is good:


At the peak of the evening, the download speed is 52KB/S, which really kills me:


Delay monitoring results of more than 170 nodes worldwide:



On the telecommunication journey, the backbone network connects with NTT, bypasses Japan and then goes to Singapore:


China Unicom goes to Singapore via Japan and the backbone network connects with NTT:


For mobile travel, international CMI connects with telstra from Hong Kong:


Return trip to domestic telecom:

In the direction of Beijing and Guangzhou, walk NTT to the node of Telecom Singapore, and then directly connect back

In the direction of Shanghai, Singapore NTT directly connects with telecom backbone




Return to China Unicom:

Beijing direction: Singapore starts from tata all the way to Japan, then goes to San Jose, and then connects with China Unicom AS4837

Shanghai direction: Singapore starts NTT all the way to Japan and then connects with AS4837

Guangzhou direction: Singapore starts from tata all the way to Japan, then goes to the Unicom node in Los Angeles, and then comes back to China Unicom AS4837




Return trip to China Mobile: direct connection back from the mobile Singapore node




Streaming media TIKTOK test, basically dead:


Other streaming media tests:


A little performance related test:



To sum up:

CPU、 The memory and hard disk read and write ability are very good, so don't worry about the performance;

In the network area, mobile is a two-way direct connection, and telecommunications and Unicom are bypassed; On the whole, it is suitable for mobile users, and China Telecom and China Unicom are more persuasive.


VPS evaluation of all computer rooms of DigitalOcean:




US. New York:

US. San Francisco:




QQ group of this station: 812451114, contact webmaster: