How about digital ocean? [2022] Simple evaluation of Digitalocean computer room in Netherlands

digitalocean It has not been tested since the launch of AMD series ECS How about digital ocean Did you? How about the speed of digitalcoean? How about the performance? Let's take the Dutch cloud server of digitalcoean as a simple evaluation. The data are all here. You can see whether it is suitable for you.

 How about digital ocean? [2022] Simple evaluation of Digitalocean computer room in India



Official website:


The CPU model can't be seen. According to the official description "2nd Generation AMD EPYC processors" and the main frequency is about 2.0GHz, there are only three types: AMD EPYC 7702, 7702P and 7662 are 64 core 128 threads. The current hard disk I/O is 949MB/s:


FIO tests the read/write ability of the hard disk in detail. The data is as follows:


The uplink and downlink bandwidth of the chicken is tested by different nodes of, and there is a prediction about the approximate speed:


The effect during the evening peak period is compared with that of the previous day:


Testing of other nodes in Asia:


The iperf3 tests the nodes in Europe and the United States. The general situation is as follows:


The file stored on the test chicken, Guangzhou Telecom, can be downloaded directly from Chrome browser at the following speed:


The effect of the late peak is faster than that of the daytime. I don't understand the reason. Maybe the bandwidth load was high at the time of the test:


Delay monitoring data of more than 170 nodes worldwide:



In the telecommunication journey, the backbone network connects with NTT, bypassing the United States and then going to Europe:


China Unicom, the backbone network docking with TATA also bypassed the United States and then went to Europe:


On the mobile trip, international CMI went directly to Britain and then to Germany:


Return trip to domestic telecom: take tata, and directly connect back from the telecom node in the Netherlands




Return trip to China Unicom: take tata or telia to connect with as4837 and come back without detour




Return trip, domestic movement:

In the direction of Beijing and Guangzhou, it bypassed the United States and returned directly from the node moving along the west coast of the United States;

In the direction of Shanghai, directly from the mobile node in the UK




The TIKTOK unlocking is over:


General test for unlocking other streaming media:



A little performance test data:



To sum up:

From the network perspective, China Telecom is directly connected, and China Unicom has as4837, which is not too bad. Therefore, the actual effect of these two products is roughly in line with the prevailing situation of VPS in Europe; Mobile detours, and the effect of mobile international lines is actually poor, so it is not suitable for mobile user groups.

The performance is good enough for you to buy with your eyes closed!


VPS evaluation of all computer rooms of DigitalOcean:




US. New York:

US. San Francisco:




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