How about digital ocean? [2022] Simple evaluation of Digitalocean computer room in San Francisco

digitalocean As one of the most popular cloud server businesses in the world, it has been loved by Chinese people for several years. In particular, the West Coast Data Center of the United States, San Francisco, is a gathering place for Chinese people. What is the current situation of digital ocean in San Francisco? How about the speed? How's the performance? Is it worth buying? The host evaluation will give you a simple evaluation, and you can share the data directly. After you see the data, you should have a clear idea.



Official website:


The CPU model can't be seen from the official description“ 2nd Generation AMD EPYC processors "and the main frequency is about 2.0GHz. It is estimated that there are only three types: AMD EPYC 7702, 7702P and 7662 are all 64 core 128 threads... The current hard disk I/O is about 1160MB/s, and the BBR is enabled:


Detailed read/write data of hard disk under FIO test:


Let's run the node to see how much bandwidth the chicken can reach? The first is the nearest node. The uplink is about 2Gbps, and the downlink is about 10Gbps... The rest are domestic three network nodes. The maximum uplink is close to 500Mbps, and the maximum downlink is about 4.5Gbps


Compared with the situation of the evening peak, there are still fluctuations. Take a closer look:


Test results of other nodes in Asia:


The general results of iperf3 running in Europe and America are as follows:


For the files stored on the test chicken, Guangzhou Telecom, the webmaster, directly downloaded them with Chrome browser, with a speed of about 13.1MB/s:


During the evening peak, here are two screenshots. What will you find? This is cut off! Of course, it may also be the webmaster's own network problem, but the change in speed is slow, and it may be the problem of the export network.



Delay monitoring of more than 170 nodes worldwide:



Telecommunication trip, backbone network connection telia:


China Unicom goes to Chengdu, and the backbone network connects to telia:


Mobile travel, international CMI docking level3:


Return trip to domestic telecom: all of them connect to the backbone network via telia




Return to China Unicom:

Beijing direction: take telia to bypass Europe and then come back

Shanghai and Guangzhou: take telia to dock with as4837 and come back




Return trip to China Mobile: take the nodes of China Mobile in Seattle, Los Angeles and San Jose on the west coast of the United States to return directly




It seems that the unlocking of TIKTOK is over:


Other streaming media unlocking tests:



A little performance test:



To sum up:

The performance is really awesome, there's nothing to say;

In terms of network, telia is used in all three networks; The return trip of China Telecom and China Unicom is basically via telia. However, the return trip of China Mobile is a bit unexpected. Both of them are directly connected to their own west coast nodes.


Official website:


VPS evaluation of all computer rooms of DigitalOcean:




US. New York:

US. San Francisco:




QQ group of this station: 812451114, contact webmaster: