How about digital ocean? [2022] Simple evaluation of Digitalocean computer room in Canada

digitalocean The North American computer room is not only limited to the United States. In fact, Canada has always existed, but it is easy to be ignored by domestic user groups. Perhaps it is because of the network effect problem that Canada came to China from that place. What is the effect of the Canadian VPS of digitalcoean? What is the speed and performance? Is it suitable for domestic use? Let's make a simple evaluation. The data will tell us when we see it.

 How about digital ocean? [2022] Simple evaluation of Digitalocean German computer room



Official website:


The CPU model has been mentioned many times by the webmaster when testing the ECS in other computer rooms of the digitalcoean. This is no nonsense. We can see that the hard disk I/O is still about 1053MB/s. Here we habitually open bbr:


FIO tests the reading and writing of the hard disk in detail, and it is really a tough one:


Let's see how much the chicken's network can run: the nearest node of can run 2Gbps in the uplink and 1764Mbps in the downlink; The rest are China's domestic three network nodes. The maximum uplink of Tianjin Mobile is close to 500Mbps, and the maximum downlink of Shanghai Telecom exceeds 3Gbps:


Compare the uplink and downlink when the backbone network is blocked in the evening peak,


Uplink and downlink tests of other nodes in Asia:


The iperf3 tests European and American nodes, and the results are as follows:

The files stored on the test chicken are downloaded by Guangzhou Telecom, the webmaster, directly using the browser. The speed is about 6.2MB/s:


During the evening peak, the speed is still 3.5MB/s,


Delay monitoring data of more than 170 nodes worldwide:



Telecommunication trip, backbone network docking tata:


Unicom: backbone network docking tata


On the mobile journey, international CMI docking goes from Hong Kong to Japan, then to the United States and then to Canada:


Return to domestic telecom: take tata to the telecom node in San Jose or Los Angeles on the west coast of the United States, and then directly connect back




Return to China Unicom:

Beijing direction: take telia to the east coast of the United States, go to England, go to France, go to Germany, and then pick up AS4837

Shanghai direction: take telia to return from the export of San Jose on the west coast of the United States to connect with AS4837

Guangzhou direction: take tata to get back from the export of San Jose on the west coast of the United States to connect with China Unicom AS4837




Return trip, domestic movement:

In the direction of Beijing and Guangzhou, take telia to Seattle and San Jose, the mobile nodes on the west coast of the United States, and then directly connect back;

Shanghai direction: NTT is exported from Seattle on the west coast of the United States to Tokyo, Japan, then to Hong Kong, then to Hong Kong Mobile, and then back




A little performance test data:



General evaluation:

In terms of performance, we can see that the test data is very high, so we can do anything;

In the network area, the routing of telecom and mobile backhaul is almost the same, while that of Unicom is slightly worse.

If you really don't want to be crowded with everyone on the west coast of the United States, Canada is also an option.


VPS evaluation of all computer rooms of DigitalOcean:




US. New York:

US. San Francisco:




QQ group of this station: 812451114, contact webmaster: