Digitalocean、Vultr、Linode, AMD series high-performance ECS has been installed

At present, the international cloud server market has already taken shape. Compared with the three major service providers in the middle and low end cloud server market, it is not too much to be a Digitalocean, Vultr and Linode?! With the rise of AMD in recent years, EPYC and Ryzen series have become more and more important in the server market. Many small businesses and computer rooms have already installed large quantities of AMD series servers, which are widely praised in the market due to their strong performance.

Our three major cloud server vendors are not to be outdone. All of them are on the AMD series CPU+NVMe high-performance series, and the prices are basically all at the original $5 or $1 more, that is, they are starting at less than $6 per month.


Approximate (lowest) price and configuration:

Official website:

VULTR: $6/month, 1G memory, 1 core, 25G NVMe, 2T traffic, 25 machine rooms

Official website:

Linode: $5/month, 1G memory, 1 core, 25G NVMe, 1T traffic, 11 machine rooms

Official website:

Digitalocean: $6/month, 1G memory, 1 core, 25G NVMe, 1T traffic, 14 machine rooms


It is hard to say who is better. They are all powerful businesses; All three support VPC, including Vultr and digitalocean Users can upload user-defined ISO directly in the background, linode There are also official tutorials( Poke here )。 Vultr has 25 global data, Linode has super bandwidth (40G IN, 12G out), and the digital ocean is relatively balanced.

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