Simply evaluate the "Los Angeles (CN2+BGP)" series VPS of locvps, and the data will tell you the actual situation

locvps At present, only the MC data center in Los Angeles is operating in the United States, focusing on cn2 vps connected to the cn2+bgp network. Telecom uses CN2, China Unicom and Mobile Direct Connect. If you want to know how the effect is, we can roughly judge it through simple evaluation data, which may be helpful to those who want to buy.

 Locvps German VPS (high-speed CUII, Unicom AS9929 line) evaluation



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The chicken saw that the CPU was E5-2660, 2.2GHz main frequency, and from the IP point of view, it was not the original product of MC, but the broadcast IP of locvps. The webmaster habitually turned on the BBR, and the hard disk I/O was about 272MB/S:


Read/write data of FIO test hard disk is more detailed as follows:


The default bandwidth is 100M. To see what effect can be achieved in China, you can directly use to access the three network nodes in China. The approximate data is as follows, which is basically the running full status:


Through comparative test, we can see the effect during the explosion of the backbone network in the evening peak. It can also be said that the effect is very awesome:


Other nodes in Asia under test:


The iperf3 runs in Europe and the United States:


Then, look directly at the files stored on VPS and download them directly with the browser to see how fast they are:


Compared with the late peak, there is attenuation, but the effect is still quite awesome:

The test data of 80 domestic nodes are as follows:


On the way to China Telecom, we went to CN2 and arrived at the MC machine room through the network of


The backbone network of China Unicom is connected to COGENTCO:


CMI docking cogentco in mobile routing:


Return trip to domestic telecom: CN2 return trip




Return trip to China Unicom: take CN2 home and then transfer to China Unicom




Return trip to China Mobile: China Telecom CN2 will return home and then move to China Mobile




Unix bench Mark, The score is relatively average:



Approximate test of streaming media unlocking, for reference only:


To sum up

The so-called CN2+BGP network is, in fact,

To: China Telecom goes to CN2, while China Unicom and China Mobile go to cogentco;

Return trip: China Telecom CN2, which is mandatory for all three networks, returns to China;

That is to say, it is not too much to call this VPS three network cn2. There is no need to worry about the speed. After all, the return CN2 is here.

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