Raksmart: Simple evaluation of "ECS" of CN2 GIA line of three networks, with one snapshot and two backups

This article test raksmart "ECS" of the three networks cn2 gia line. At the beginning of this month, rakmart launched the rak cloud (cloud server), which is different from the regular VPS of rakmart. Resources can be selected by DIY. By default, the system disk is separated from the data disk, with a snapshot (convenient for one click backup of the entire VPS)+2 backups (data backup), and lines are optimized by mainland, boutique networks (China Telecom follows CN2, China Unicom and China Mobile follow mainland optimization) CN2 ONLY (three networks cn2 gia).


Official website https://www.raksmart.com

Recommended: Independent server, as low as $30/month, https://www.zhujiceping.com/40932.html


The bottom layer is KVM virtual. A single ECS supports up to 16 cores, 64 gigabytes of memory, a default 40 gigabyte system disk, and data disks at $0.08 per month. Bandwidth supports 1 Mbps to 1000 Mbps (you can choose the size by yourself, and you can use unlimited traffic, which is about $0.4 per Mbps per month). Operating systems include centros debian ubuntu fedora Windows server 2003-2008-2012-2016-2019 The network line can be selected from "Mainland Optimization" and "Boutique Network", with one IPv4, one snapshot, two backups, and monthly, quarterly, semi annual, and yearly payment cycles. Minimum configuration: $7.59/month


The CPU is e5-2697v2. It seems that the hardware has not changed( Refer to the ECS evaluation of the "Continental Optimization" line )The webmaster has enabled the BBR, and the default test hard disk I/O is 167MB/S:

FIO test:

At 20:35 in the evening peak, it means that the ECS used for the test is the 10M bandwidth of CN2 ONLY, and the uplink and downlink bandwidth of speedtest.net test chickens are basically above 9.5Mbps:

Speedtest.net Test of nodes in other Asian regions except China:

Test of iperf3 European and American nodes:

Guangzhou Telecom, Chrome browser, download files on the test machine, and the 10Mbps bandwidth can reach 1119KB when downloading, basically occupying the 10Mbps:

The last Unix bench Mark, dual core 1431, is of medium level and not high:

More than 80 different nodes in China are pinged. The data is provided by ping.chinaz.com:

Telecom travel CN2:

China Unicom goes to CN2:

The mobile journey detours overseas and then goes to CN2, which is really wonderful:

Return to China Telecom: to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, all by CN2




Return to China Unicom: to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, all by CN2




Return journey, domestic movement: to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, all by CN2




To sum up : Except for the mobile journey that is not subject to discipline, all the others are obedient to CN2; From the data point of view, even in the evening peak, the network does not boast at all, which is very excellent. Because the bandwidth of cn2 gia is expensive, and Raksmart also provides exclusive bandwidth unlimited traffic, this price is not cheap. It is recommended that friends with low budgets choose Boutique or mainland optimization.


ECS evaluation links for different lines of rakmart:

Continental optimization: https://www.zhujiceping.com/44473.html

Boutique website: https://www.zhujiceping.com/44630.html

CN2 ONLY: https://www.zhujiceping.com/44681.html

QQ group of this station: 812451114, contact webmaster: zhujiceping@vip.qq.com