Deivps: $60/year, Los Angeles/The Hague (Netherlands), 4G memory/2 cores/60gSSD/10T traffic/4 IPs

desivps At present, the VPS of the Los Angeles machine room on the west coast of the United States and the Hague machine room in the Netherlands are heavily promoted, as low as $15/year. Some configurations are returned to multiple IPs, and the traffic is not small. If you are interested, you can look around! Server configuration for VPS: dual e5-2690256G memory, 4 * 2T SSD (hard raid10), 1Gbps bandwidth, free IPv6.


Regular special price VPS

KVM virtual, pure SSD raid10, with an IPv4, solusvm panel

Memory CPU SSD flow IPv4 Price purchase
1G 1 core 15G 2.5T/month 1 $15/year link
2G 1 core 30G 5.0T/month 2 $30/year link
3G 2 cores 45G 7.5T/month 3 $45/year link
4G 2 cores 60G 10.0T/month 4 $60/year link


Special price version, resource pool VPS

KVM virtual, pure SSD, 1Gbps bandwidth, comes with an IPv4, which allows you to divide resources into multiple VPS. You must ensure that each VPS has at least one core and one IPv4. You can also directly use it as a VPS, as you define!

Memory CPU SSD flow IPv4 Price purchase
2G 2 cores 40G 5.0T/month 2 $50/year link
4G 4-core 80G 10.0T/month 4 $100/year link
6G 6 cores 120G 15.0T/month 6 $150/year link


Network test:

Los Angeles, USA: http://2.56. 176.6/100MB. bin

The Hague, Netherlands: http://41.21 6.181.2/100M B.bin

QQ group of this station: 812451114, contact webmaster: