The tile movers went online to VPS in Japan and took the Softbank route. Don't worry about transferring or buying. First, look at the analysis of "foreign host evaluation"!

The tile removal workers launched the Japanese VPS today, and they followed the Japanese Softbank line, which was not listed separately, but mixed in the US cn2 gia. When selecting the computer room, they pulled down to select the Japanese Softbank. Many people who see Softbank in Japan and Asia will naturally contact the VPS in Hong Kong of the tile movers. The effect is almost flying, but the price is depressing and despairing!

 #News # The Japanese VPS of tile movers is online, and the Softbank line in Japan is at the same price as the CN2 gia of DC6


Official website

Evaluation article:


Discount code: BWH3HYATVBJW , save 6.58%, and apply to the whole court!

All VPS are paid annually, only 10 months' fee is needed, and the above discount can save more!


Memory CPU SSD flow bandwidth Price purchase
1G 2 cores 20G 1.0T/month 2.5G $50/quarter link
2G 3 cores 40G 2.0T/month 2.5G $90/quarter link
4G 4-core 80G 3.0T/month 2.5G $57/month link
8G 6 cores 160G 5.0T/month 5.0G $87/month link
16G 8 cores 320G 8.0T/month 10G $160/month link
32G 10 cores 640G 10.0T/month 10G $290/month link
64G 12 cores 1280G 12.0T/month 10G $550/month link
Why do tile movers go to VPS in Japan?
As we all know, the vast majority of tile movers' customers are in China, and the Chinese market can be said to be his lifeline. The international network environment in China is very bad. There are many reasons, such as GFW, the "magic operation" of major operators, massive users and the reluctance to expand the export bandwidth, which will explode at the peak of the evening. Chinese users have a demand, and tile movers naturally need to meet this demand, so that they can do business and make money, right?!
Why not continue to sell his cn2 gia?
It is thought that the cn2 gia of Telecom is only 160Gbps between China and the United States, and 100G in the direction of Los Angeles. At present, none of them has achieved the expansion predicted previously. The current situation is that there is no bandwidth available for a long time, and overbooking is extremely serious. Considering the expensive bandwidth in Hong Kong, South Korea and Singapore have strict controls and small export bandwidth, Japan is the only choice. At present, the best route for Japan to come to China is cn2 gia, but it is estimated that few companies are willing to accept this cost, so Softbank is undoubtedly the best choice
So is Softbank really that good?
We can clearly tell you that, so far, for China's domestic telecom users, it is better for you to stay honestly in the DC6 (cn2 gia) of the tile movers; China Unicom users, hurry up and go to Softbank, Japan, this is your paradise, you can fly; China Mobile, you'd better take a bus. Telecom welcomes you!
This article was originally created by "Foreign Host Evaluation". Please indicate the author's information if reprinted!
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