Servers, VPS servers and ECS are always misled. Let's really distinguish them!

What is a server? What is VPS? What is a "VPS server"? What is "ECS"? Due to different names, there will be many different questions. First, correct an error: the word "VPS server" includes VPS and server. VPS itself means Virtual Private Server. Then add a server after VPS. That is to say, if you do too much, it will be indecent. You don't even know what it is. Correct understanding: just remove the server behind the "VPS server".


Server: a general term, which refers to the equipment and systems (such as computers) that provide computing or other application services to customers.


VPS: On the physical server, the virtual, independent "server" is divided by virtual technology


Cloud servers: organize and coordinate many "servers" to provide services in a certain technical way.


Virtual machine: It can be either shared hosting or cloud servers. The former is created based on the latter.


VPS Cloud (Cloud VPS): It's just a different name. In fact, it means cloud servers.


We should pay attention to:

The server is generally understood as an independent server

VPS, Generally, it is developed by relying on a (physical) independent server. Each VPS is independent of each other, and each VPS shares the resources of this independent server. It is difficult to achieve exclusive resource sharing strictly. If you achieve exclusivity, you should call it VDS instead of VPS.

ECS: It is almost the same as VPS in the process of personal use, but its resource provision is distributed on N servers and can be expanded at any time, which can make up for the lack of resources of a single machine. The host machine of VPS is a single machine, which is the biggest defect of VPS. Conversely, the biggest advantage of ECS is fully reflected.

What VPS and ECS have in common: they must rely on (independent) servers, and each user is also independent of data privacy. Difference: One relies on a single resource. If its host, that is, the independent server, is damaged in hardware resources, it is doomed; One relies on multiple resources or cluster resources, and has a perfect distributed approach. The failure of a single physical machine does not affect normal operation.


The webmaster doesn't know what kind of VPS (cloud servers) you like, so let's recommend some according to the classification:


Foreign VPS supports "Alipay":

US cn2 gia vps:

Hong Kong cn2 gia vps:

Japan cn2 vps:

Korea cn2 gia vps:

Europe cn2 gia vps:

Unlimited VPS:

Windows VPS:

Large hard disk VPS:

Advanced anti DDoS VPS:

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