Digital vm: After 9 months of use, the unlimited traffic VPS of 10Gbps bandwidth in the Japanese computer room is evaluated again. The route has not changed, and the effect is still good

Looking for Asia Large bandwidth VPS It's not easy. It's even more difficult for Asia's VPS with large bandwidth and unlimited traffic, especially for Asia's VPS with 10Gbps bandwidth. So, digital-vm VPS in Japan and VPS in Singapore are particularly concerned by webmasters. After nine months of use, the webmaster plans to cook leftovers again, re evaluate the Japanese 10Gbps bandwidth unlimited VPS of digital vm, and see if the network situation has changed!

 Digital vm:/month, 10Gbps bandwidth, unlimited traffic, 12 machine rooms in Japan/Singapore, etc


Official website


Digital vm: tell you the effect. There is a surprise in the evaluation of 10Gbps bandwidth unlimited VPS in Japan


10Gbps bandwidth VPS

KVM virtual, SSD raid, 10Gbps bandwidth, unlimited traffic, with an IPv4, free IPv6; In particular, the solusvm shows a limit of 20T traffic per month. In fact, the official statement is that after using 20T, issue a ticket to continue to obtain 20T... There is no limit!

Memory CPU SSD Price purchase
1G 2 cores 20G $6.3/month link
2G 4-core 30G $13.3/month link
4G 6 cores 50G $23.8/month link
8G 8 cores 80G $43.2/month link


If you don't need such a strong one, you can try the following 1Gbps bandwidth. Except for bandwidth and traffic, the rest are the same:

1Gbps bandwidth VPS

Memory CPU SSD flow Price purchase
512M 1 core 30G 5T/month $2.8 per month link
1G 1 core 60G 5T/month $6.3/month link
1.5G 2 cores 100G 10T/month $13.3/month link
2G 2 cores 150G 10T/month $20.3/month link


Please move to "April 10, 2019" first. The webmaster wrote the evaluation of the VPS of 10Gbps bandwidth in Japan for the digital vm for the first time. After reading it, we can compare the results of the webmaster's retest today (nine months later).


Stop talking nonsense and start!


The native Japanese IP address of the M247 computer room, which you can see for yourself, has opened BBR here; I/O, Almost no difference, still the same:


Speedtest tests the uplink and downlink bandwidth. The default node of speedtest shows that the uplink and downlink can run about 2Gbps; Domestic telecom Nanjing Telecom reached 289Mbps, Shanghai Unicom reached 420Mbps, and Changsha Mobile reached 169Mbps; Is it not bad on the whole?


Let's start with the return journey:

To Guangdong Telecom, go to Softbank and Shanghai Telecom:

To Guangdong Unicom, take NTT to Guangzhou:

To Guangdong Mobile, take NTT and pass Hong Kong:

To sum up, telecom and mobile are exactly the same as those tested 9 months ago, and the routing has not been adjusted; Unicom has changed from IIJ to NTT. It can be said here that the network of IIJ may be unstable, and the effect of China Unicom's NTT link to Japan is not bad, so this is the way to deal with it!


Domestic travel:


Shanghai Telecom goes to Japan via the backbone network of China Telecom, and goes directly to Japan KDDI via PCCW (no bypass):

Jiangsu Unicom, the backbone of China Unicom, the IIJ:

Jiangsu Mobile, via Hong Kong CMI to Japan jpix:

To sum up: Telecom and Unicom are the same as they were nine months ago; Mobile has changed from PCCW to JPIX, and the specific effect needs to be tested by everyone.


This is a speed measurement data package stored on the Japanese VPS. You can download it in your browser to see the speed. This should be the most intuitive. See - and website building can be judged by this data! (Station master, Yueyang Telecom 100Mbps)


QQ group of this station: 812451114, contact webmaster: