Introduce a batch of cheap CN2 VPS, including CN2 GT and CN2 GIA line VPS

As we all know, the CN2 network is a fast and expensive high-end line. Here are some relatively inexpensive CN2 VPS for you, which may be of great help to your network speed! Some cheap CN2 VPS support Alipay payment. Those who are interested can check it out!

 Global cn2 vps summary, US cn2/Europe cn2/Africa cn2/Russia cn2/Hong Kong cn2/Japan cn2/South Korea cn2, etc., there is always one suitable for you



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The Canadian company established in 2004 mainly focuses on high-end and expensive network series, providing 2.5G~10Gbps cn2 gia bandwidth, and forcing all three VPS networks to use CN2 GIA. It is currently sold in the market cn2 gia vps Li is the most famous brand, Promotion stamp here Evaluation article stamp here At the same time, there are 10Gbps Japan Softbank, 1.2Gbps Japan cn2 gia, 1Gbps Hong Kong cn2 gia


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Some features of American ECS: access to the CN2+BGP network, maximum 5Gbps bandwidth, exclusive and unlimited traffic, support for Linux and Windows servers 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019, a single ECS allows up to 256G of memory+48 cores+253 IPs, separate system disks (free 40G) from data disks (optional size), free snapshots, free backups. The old American company has operated for more than 20 years, and has built its own sanjose machine room. In addition, there are three data centers in Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea; Chinese and English, without real name, cryptocurrency credit card PayPal Alipay and other payments.


Official website

Since its operation in 2010, the company has been registered in Australia and the United States, focusing on the optimized route VPS in mainland China. The VPS series in the United States accesses 200Mbps bandwidth by default, forces all three network backhaul to go through cn2 gia, supports Windows, and supports one click IP switching (10 yuan each time). In addition, high-end line VPS in Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Germany and the Netherlands are also very popular!


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VPS of the United States focuses on Unicom's AS4837 line, with a maximum bandwidth of 3Gbps, and supports Linux and Windows systems; It is more suitable for users who need high quality and large bandwidth but do not have enough budget.


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VPS brand of American old brand krypt computer room, American vps provides computer rooms in San Jose, Los Angeles, Dallas, Hawaii and New York, among which San Jose provides high-end CN2 GIA network. In addition, VPS of Singapore CN2 GIA network is also provided!


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Malaysian company, founded in 2012, is operated by Chinese people and focuses on VPS business of optimizing routes in mainland China. The U.S. VPS provides CN2 GIA bandwidth of up to 1Gbps, as well as DDoS defense. VPS of computer rooms in Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and Malaysia are also popular businesses.


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Founded in 2016, it is registered in the United States and operated by Indians. It focuses on the U.S. VPS business of CN2 GIA network and Asia optimized network. With 50M~100Mbps bandwidth and 1.5G memory, it is available for Windows system and Alipay payment!


Official website

Domestic companies operate (2011~), focusing on VPS in the computer room in San Jose, the United States. By default, they access the CN2 GIA network (Unicom AS4837, Mobile CMI), 1Gbps bandwidth, sufficient bandwidth, good service, and low-key high-quality Chinese VPS merchants!


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200Mbps bandwidth, China Telecom cn2 gia, China Unicom, China Mobile direct connection, and new Chinese businesses! Support Windows!


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Old Chinese brand, trustworthy, 100Mbps cn2 gia!


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Hengchuang Technology, an old brand, the US cn2 gia+KVM+OVS cloud architecture, is reliable!


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Compulsory three network cn2 gia, 100Mbps bandwidth, support 20~200Gbps defense, with Windows system


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The maximum bandwidth is 70Mbps. It supports hourly billing and independent IP switching


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200Mbps bandwidth, China Telecom CN2 GIA, China Unicom and China Mobile direct connection, as low as 11 yuan/month (no raid).


Official website

Los Angeles 80Mbps bandwidth, three networks forced CN2 GIA, and cn2 gia+100G seconds to solve advanced defense, etc


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30Mbps, three network backhaul cn2 gia, suitable for station building!


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100M bandwidth, KT machine room in Los Angeles, CN2 network is suitable for station building!


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150Mbps bandwidth, backhaul three networks cn2 gia, telecom mobile backhaul cn2, China Unicom HE, San Jose machine room


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US cn2 gia, 1Gbps bandwidth, unlocking "Netflix" videos, etc

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