Summary: Collect some VPS merchants that can switch IP addresses (or VPS with dynamic IP addresses)

Dynamic IP VPS、 There is still a great need to switch IP VPS. Many people need to switch IP constantly in their work, such as doing Amazon tasks, EMU tasks, Taobao orders, and some other functions, right? The webmaster will not say! Foreign VPS exchanges, interested

(1) It provides dynamic IP VPS in Taiwan and dynamic IP VPS in Hong Kong. This kind of VPS is equivalent to home bandwidth, with unlimited traffic. Taiwan can watch various programs in Taiwan, while Hong Kong can watch TVB, Netflix, ViuTV, HKTV, etc

(2) VPS of static elastic IP in Portland, the United States is provided. It uses the NCP line, the native American IP, and the background can switch IP with one key

It provides Hong Kong commercial VPS service, which is equivalent to home bandwidth. You can watch some Hong Kong programs such as Naifei. The maximum 1Gbps bandwidth is unlimited, and there are two options: HGC and HKT. I mentioned that this company provides VPS in Macao, which is a rare resource!



The following are some VPS options for low-cost IP switching: , multiple machine rooms, up to 10Gbps CN2 GIA network, one button IP switching, $8.7 each time , delete VPS reconstruction, obtain new IP, and pay by the hour , for IP, 2.5 dollars each time; Or the VPS can be deleted and rebuilt to support the benefits of hourly charging , multiple machine rooms, static IP, background one button switch IP, $2.50 each time Replace the IP for free if conditions permit, and watch TOS for yourself , 12 machine rooms, static IP, background one button switch IP, 3 dollars each time

QQ group of this station: 812451114, contact webmaster: