
About Shi Xiang's Love

Dreamer Published on Reading: 2704 About love

In the vast sea of people, there are strangers passing us every day, but there is always a person who will inadvertently break into our life and become our unforgettable memory. Let's feel the pain in our hearts.


It is said that love at first sight is a desire to see the color, and love over time is to weigh the advantages and disadvantages, probably there is no mistake. What is the experience of first love? Or maybe it's love at first sight and leave after weighing the advantages and disadvantages. Once I went to the Love Bridge for a stroll, I happened to see a boy in formal clothes, leaning against a chair on one side, brushing his mobile phone. When I passed him, I looked at him. I felt that love was coming. That kind of little stag was bumping around, panicking, blushing and shy, and my heart was beating faster, which made me feel a little good. Maybe it is fate that has come, repressing the inner joy because I don't want to miss it, so I need contact information,. Because of the ignorance of love, I don't know how to open the topic or what to say, and I have never dared to send a message to him. After about half a month, stay On the day of my birthday, I sent a circle of friends, and he praised and commented on my happy birthday. At this time, I felt happy and smiled with my mobile phone for a day. Now it seems that this is probably a girl's heart. Every day after that, we always started to contact, chat and communicate with each other from time to time, until the later frequent exchanges, we also went to play together as friends, and had dinner together to enjoy the sweet happiness. Later, he asked me to go to the place where we met for the first time, and he took my hand to tell me that his whole world became happy after meeting me, Looking forward to the future when we are together, we are full of expectations for each day. At this time, my heart surges, secretly nods and agrees, and I experience the happiness of the confession of the loved one, which I have never had before. In a word, the person you like in your heart also likes you. A kiss and a hug, so ignorant together. Share each other's happiness every day, enjoy the sweet time, go shopping together, buy snacks you like, go to the movies shown together, go to eat steak passing by together, go to couples to punch cards together, take photos with online celebrities, and do 100 things with couples who punch cards together


The sweetness of beauty is always short. In the past two years, we stumbled, quarreled, opened, closed and closed. Maybe the feelings will grow up only after experiencing, and then know what you want. Maybe fairy tales are deceptive. That year, I was 24 and he was 30. He took me to see his parents and relatives. They met each other. They talked about getting married and starting a business at 30. I kept silent and thought, I want to wait, but I haven't thought about it yet. Later, this matter became the reason for our constant quarrel. At that time, I also proposed to break up. Finally, I couldn't let go of this relationship and chose to stay together. But since then, he has changed. He treats me better than before. He delivers breakfast to work, rides a bike to buy vegetables together after work, and chooses what I like to eat every time, as if he had the illusion of entering marriage ahead of time, Someone will pick me up and drop me off from work, and we will go shopping at the vegetable market to buy vegetables. Every day we cook dishes that I love. At night, we can go to the supermarket to buy snacks for me in the morning after work. This feeling is not like a couple, but more like a husband and wife, which makes me enjoy this day and time. The source of the sense of security is probably that I don't need to worry about getting lost when I go out, and he won't let me go when I go to a strange place, because he knows that I have serious social phobia. I am a person who has no sense of security. I don't need to be afraid because of him. He is a sense of security. Later, on his birthday, he said again that he wanted me to marry him, and he wanted to have a real home with me, to go to work together, to cook together, to do housework together, and to live together. Although his words are very ordinary, I seem to see the home I want in his plain words, which makes me very moved. I promised, sweet kiss together, I gave myself to the man who said he would give me a home. In the evening, I went to his parents' house and said that we wanted to get married. His parents' attitude caught me off guard. We were too impulsive to find anything wrong. Later I learned that his parents objected to our being together. I thought at that time, didn't they always like me before? Now that I have promised, I will oppose us instead. Later, I learned that I was not worthy of his son, because his son is now the project leader, and the parents are still me. Maybe this is to balance the advantages and disadvantages. There is no doubt that he chose parents, and we broke up. After that, I quit my job and stayed at home. I always wondered what the problem was and why it suddenly happened. This kind of emotion and grief made me unable to walk out. Later, my friend told me that he was going to get married. I couldn't calm down at that time. I ran to him like crazy. I wanted to know that he was going to marry someone a week after breaking up. It had something to do with him before. I was still angry. It's true that the more a woman quarrels, the more she looks like a madman. When I find her, I ask her why. He says that his parents forced him, and he can't help it. I said hysterically that you said you would give me a home, three meals and four seasons. You promised not to leave me, and you would not leave me alone. Now you want to marry someone else, what am I? The five years we have been together are nothing. I chose you. You said you would be responsible for me. With tears on your face, you said to him, don't you want me? Are you leaving me alone? Didn't you say you would give me a home? He said sorry, turned around and left. Maybe this was the last straw that crushed the camel. I collapsed into darkness, cried to vomit, cried to suffocation, convulsed, and sat on the ground. I didn't know how long I had cried. When someone else called 110, the police came and asked me to contact my girlfriend and pick me up. When I got home, my girlfriend scolded me. It seemed that I didn't care about the outside world but still chose to cry. The person I have loved for five years now wants to marry someone else, or is breaking up less than a week ago, which is impossible for anyone to accept. The appearance of this man really satisfied me with all my fantasies about men. How can I say that if I don't love, I will not love. I cried until I was tired, fell asleep, and exhausted. The next day I bought wine and drank Jiangxiaobai. Maybe only alcohol can anaesthetize myself to stop recalling the past, to stop recalling the good of that person, and to stop thinking about the memories of being together. I vomited, vomited, and drank again. Finally, I drank into the hospital with acute gastroenteritis. I stayed in the hospital for three days, When I came back from the hospital, I was all bad. I was out of control, either crying or crying. When I recalled the photos and videos I had taken together, the places I had visited, the first time I said I was holding hands, and the street where I kissed, too many memories came to my heart. It was silent crying and the collapse from suffocation to heartbreak. When I thought about suicide, cut my wrist, and went to the hospital, my parents rejected me, and my friends hated me. My whole person is full of negative energy. People are also depressed and vulnerable. I lost my job and spent all my money. Because of countless times of enlightenment from my friends, I slowly let myself go. Otherwise, I don't know what will happen to me. Now I understand that after all, I bought the bill for my youth. I would not hesitate to hurt my body for a person who doesn't care about me. Maybe he has never felt this feeling. The breeze finally took away the heartless leaves, but the tree thought the leaves were still there. At this time, the leaves were not the same. But later I heard that he left this place and had no contact information, so he really got married.

It took me a year to come out, live again, accept the new environment, new work and friends. We also cut off all the contact ways, as if they disappeared, as if there was no such person. Life probably needs such a friend, who can pull you back to normal life when you are in the lowest ebb, the lowest ebb, and the worst.

People probably have such an experience to make me live more thoroughly. Growing up requires experience, and experience needs tempering. When facing the next relationship, I know what I want and what I want. Maybe this is growth. I'm still young, everything is still in time, and everything is still possible to meet. As long as you still believe in love, sooner or later he will appear, and become your safe haven, only your sense of security. Now, I still expect love to knock on the door, and meet my destiny. Look back It's all love time and sweet memories that can't be erased in youth first love Irreplaceable memory. Time has changed, clocks can return to the original point, but it is not yesterday.

Now I know what love is, what marriage is, and what love I want. I am only thirty this year, and I still expect love to knock on the door. I believe that love will have love. Well, that's all for my story. May you still keep your longing for love. If you trust him, he will come. May all lovers get married.

This is the story of a friend of the blogger, which is recorded by the dreamer!

[music url= http://www.zhuimengba.com/music/meinamejiandan.mp3 w=300 h=30 auto=1]

About Shi Xiang's Love

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Received 2 comments
Loan credit card 2023-05-14 08:55
Everyone will have an experience of this kind, just go out
We Media Platform 2021-12-07 05:15
Good article, worth collecting!