
Relieve the past, let go of yourself and treat life well

Dreamer Published on Reading: 6586 About life



   Life is nothing more than just a few decades. The world of mortals is rolling. Some people live a smart life, and some people are decadent. What's wrong with being obsessed with men and women? They suffer themselves. Buddha said that it is not impossible to let go, but it is not extremely hurt. It is not impossible to forget, but it is not impossible to forget. It is not impossible to love, but it is impossible to love. Hate to this life, closed and end a person. Looking at the noisy world, the fool pays around himself. Maybe he is sad and happy, or sad and thorough. Fool!

      I always wanted to write an article, but I didn't have time or know where to start or how to organize the language. I am a person who likes to write things, but there are too many trivial things in my life. I often don't know how to write behind the screen. Alas, the boring life has made us only know to live for life, but this is the reality.

I don't know when I got to know a friend. I talked with him intermittently. I gradually learned his little love story and that he likes to keep himself in his inner world. In fact, the past is not important, but the present is important. As for the past, the past is just an experience for us, good or bad. They are telling us to live the life we like, and know what kind of people we should love and what kind of life we should strive for. Remembering the past and not accepting a new life is just to repeat the past experience one by one. The result is a waste of one's own life time except for one reason. Nothing can be changed. What should not be understood is still not understood, in vain.

When people leave, life still has to go on. The interesting thing about the world is that it will not stop its rhythm because of who leaves. The joy of life will still reappear, the people who should appear will also appear, and the feelings that should exist will also exist. If the heart really dies, it is destined to end its life, even though the world of mortals is rolling, it is still as if no one is around!

      [music url= http://www.zhuimengba.com/music/lvyexianzong.mp3 w=300 h=30 auto=1]


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4 comments received
Cross border e-commerce operation 2021-05-14 04:13
Very good article, thank you for sharing!
deaf-aid 2020-07-18 01:27
Relieving is also a kind of growth
Dreamer 2020-09-01 06:01
@Hearing aids: Yes
Deyun Girl 2020-04-08 15:33
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