Baidu webmaster college interviewed ZAC, the author of SEO Practical Password Miscellaneous talk on operation

Teacher Zac, the simple three letters make the name resounding. This name often surrounds, and his "SEO Practical Password" has become a must read for everyone on the webmaster platform. Gradually, this image has a halo in my impression. I met him twice last year, calm and easy-going, but they were far sighted and had no contact. In Xiamen this year, I was lucky to meet again and have an in-depth chat, which deepened my love and respect for Zac. This video is a network reprint resource. ZAC teacher told the novice webmaster through the video

I want to take a walk outside About life

  I don't know when I began to have the idea of going out for a walk in my mind. I really want to see the sunset at the seaside, Lugu Lake, Erhai Lake and Lijiang. I also want to take a long vacation for myself to think about my future life.

Six Difficulties for Grassroots webmasters to Start a Business (reprinted) Webmaster story

  Grassroots webmaster entrepreneurship is not like some people who have entered the entrepreneurial ranks from traditional industries. The foundation is different and the world they come into contact with is different. It is difficult to do an entrepreneurial project like entrepreneurs. The so-called two values of entrepreneurship (functional value and cultural value) are even more difficult to realize for grassroots webmasters. The mentality of grassroots webmasters is that they can earn a knife is a knife, which is more realistic. It's very happy to earn four or five thousand yuan a month. If you rely on such a small station to start a business, the product is one

30 year old man (reprinted online) About life

All the problems you never expected will meet you unexpectedly as time goes by; All of your once smart take it as it is, will also let you bear the price that seems to have been destined to hit with the passage of time. In this world, "the only unstoppable thing is time. It is like a sharp blade, silently cutting through everything hard and soft, and constantly moving forward. Nothing can make it move a bit bumpy, but it changes everything." I always believe in the saying: "Come out and pay back sooner or later.". Although you and I are all ordinary

Dream Chaser's Pure Heart (Video about Dream Chaser) About life

How many times have you fallen down on the journey of chasing your dream? In countless falls, do you still remember your dreams and pursuits? Have you ever thought about giving up? Do you think that your dream is always far away from you? Do you think that your conditions are impossible to achieve your own pursuit? Do you think that your dream is just to bury your head in the quilt late at night and think about it

Steady happiness About life

I don't know when I began to like this song. I remember it should be 2014. I overheard this song, and later found that it was very suitable for me, so I just listened to it all the time. The time passed quickly. One year passed, and I suddenly found that something was missing.

The Story of Bamboo About life

One day, I decided to give up my life. Therefore, I went to the forest to have a last conversation with Buddha. "Buddha, can you give me a reason not to give up?" I asked. Buddha's answer surprised me: "Look around, do you see those mountain ferns and bamboos? After I planted the seeds of mountain ferns and bamboos, I gave them light and water. Mountain ferns soon grew out of the ground, and dense green leaves covered the ground. However, bamboo did not grow anything."

30 insights into classic life About life

1. No matter what happens, you should first think about whether you have done wrong. If you are right (that is impossible), then stand in the other side's perspective and experience the other side's feelings. 2. Let yourself adapt to the environment, because the environment will never adapt to you. Even if this is a very, very painful process. 3. Be generous. If you can't be generous, learn to be generous. If being generous really hurts you, be generous. 4. Keep a low profile, keep a low profile, keep a low profile (lower profile than temporary workers

Summary of domain name types that can be filed Station building resources

Domain name types currently supported for filing: . com domain name,. net domain name,. org domain name; . cn domain name, domain name,. domain name,. domain name and other. cn series suffix domain names;

People who care about you and people you care about About love

People who care about you will care about everything about you. People who don't care about you never know everything about you. People who care about you will care about you. Maybe sometimes you will feel bored. People who don't care about you will ignore your care, regardless of how much you use. People who care about you will remember everything about you very clearly. People who don't care about you don't know your last name or who. Let alone remember what you did for it.

Father is ill About life

Today, when I was still asleep, my uncle called and told me to go back to see my father. In fact, I knew that my father was not well. At that time, I said on the phone that I would come back and have a look. My father said no more. I still went back today. It was noon when I came to the hospital. When I walked into the ward, I saw my father's haggard face. I didn't know why my heart suddenly hurt.