Grow up in giving up (reprinted online) About life

Once we walked through the innocence of childhood, the happiness of youth, and people gradually grew up. I grew up from many failures and blows, learned from many setbacks and frustrations, and grew up from my diary for many years. So we suddenly look back again and again, and suddenly know that some things can not be too demanding, sometimes we have to know how to give up, in fact, we have already given up a lot.  

Will you cherish the help you get for free? About life

Once upon a time, there was such a group of people in the network who answered all kinds of questions launched through the network platform without seeking any return. Once upon a time, the author was also like this, and did not ask for any return to help the friends who met problems in the network. After careful consideration of their various reactions after getting help, they were moved, funny and sad. Some friends would politely say thank you, and some friends would come like shadows and go like wind. But when encountering problems again, I will think of you again, and still have no words after getting help

What are you doing at the age of 24? About life

Chen Yinque, 24, visited Germany, France and other places at that time, but he was forced to return to China due to the First World War at that time. In his later years, he taught and lived in Sun Yat sen University in Guangzhou. He was a famous Chinese classical literature researcher, historian, and religious scientist, and proficient in N languages (Appendix: In 1988, Sun Yat sen University held a study note for Chen Yinque when he studied in Germany. A student once asked Chen Yinque's wife, Tang Xuan, whether it was true that Chen knew more than 30 languages? Tang said that there are not so many, just 17 kinds). Seventeen

Remember who you were About life

A long time ago, I knew that I had been hiding my true self, and I didn't want to lead a sober life. This may be my self escape, or my inferiority. I don't dare to face my sober self easily. Sometimes my sober self makes me afraid. Most of the time, I treat everything around me like a child who will never grow up. I just remember in my heart what is important and what is not. It has been like this for 2 years, only when I had to face my sober self

Dreamcool About love

preface: Some people say that fate is very strange. They don't know when they will come or when they will leave.

About the pursuit, about life, about the helplessness of every bit About life

All of a sudden, the wheel of time has gone through 23 years. In 2015, he has turned 24. Many times I ask myself, what have I got? But I was disappointed that I didn't know what I was doing for seven years since I chose IT technology at the age of 17. In many cases, I reflect on where I went wrong or where I chose wrong. Later, I decided to change my job and began to look at the job on the recruitment website, only to find that what I had mastered for so long was no longer enough to meet my needs, and I was forced by life

The post-90s generation can read these ten sentences better than ten years of books (online collection) About life

In our history of struggle, we are all trying to create the world alive, to realize our dreams and values. But most of us after the 90s follow the trend. What we do today is all for the future life, all for the future. Today's decisions also determine the future life, achievements, wealth, and life. The post-90s can read these ten sentences better than ten years of books

How to grasp the "money" path of network engineers, interview text (reproduced online) About life

Expert introduction: After three years, from intern to technical director Let's start with my experience. My experience is very simple. Like many college students, I was lucky when I left school. I had a chance to do a project at CICA. I entered as an intern at that time. After I entered, I grew up to be a senior network engineer with the informatization development of CICA. Later, he changed his job to join a Canadian IT company. Since the company was just founded, he started with basic network maintenance and management during his tenure and upgraded to MI one year later

In fact, he once loved her very much. (To the girl he once loved, I wish you happiness!) About love

Preface: Some people say that happy families are the same, but unhappy families have different reasons. Someone It is said that the two people who love each other can go on forever because of mutual tolerance and tolerance, but the two people who are separated have Inexhaustible reasons. Some people say that life always grows in choices, but once you choose, you will never return Yes. Some people say that once you fall in love

Perception of life in the journey of chasing dreams About life

Late at night, the city should be quiet, but there is more noise of machines. In a bustling and impetuous city, people come and go without your own familiar figure. Going to work and sleeping after work has become the whole of my life. I suddenly found that there are many strangers in such a busy city. I see many faces every day and forget those faces every day. Perhaps this is a moment of memory.

WeChat prompts that the merchant's collection function has been restricted. The buyer cannot pay Miscellaneous talk on operation

Step 1: Scan code with WeChat Step 2: Enter the merchant assistant risk processing, check the default processing record, and confirm the intention to open an account
Dreamer Published on

Linux-centos7 format disk and power on mount linux

View all disk information in the system [ root@localhost ~]# lsblk NAME            MAJ:MIN RM  SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda              &n...

I'll treat you as if you were old at first sight About love

I want to be the sun, The sun that can warm your heart, First of all, I want to be strong in self-healing, You can recover quickly in case of trouble, How else can you warm your cold heart I want to be a breeze, The breeze can blow away your troubles, First of all, I want to be optimistic enough, Think of everything in a positive way, Otherwise, how can you dispel the dark clouds in your heart I want to be an umbrella, An umbrella that can shield you from icy words, First of all, I need to be strong enough, Immune to the so-called gossip, Otherwise, how can I protect you from the storm I envy anyone around you, They can

Never see you again About love

It is said that broken things are difficult to restore their original appearance The same is true between us The scattered fragments have lost their original luster The light reflected from the sun is so dazzling Yes, I broke the glass But don't forget that it is a solid crystal full of colorful light As time changes, you keep asking The colored crystal soon became a piece of glass with its watch empty Broken by my expressionless face You want that pile of glass slag to be restored to the solid crystal So you stick the broken shells into crystals piece by piece Go further