About a person's feelings About life

preface: Some people say that you can't wake up a person who pretends to sleep, or move a person who doesn't love you. Some people say that emotion is an unsolvable equation, because you don't know what the value of X is, and you don't know whether the greater the value you assign to X, the greater the equivalent result will be. It may be zero, or there may be no answer, or the value may be large. But this is really an unsolvable equation, because the answer

About Love Songs About Sorrow -- Dare Not Listen to Love Songs About love

After the Qingming Festival, it was the biggest snow this year, and my thickest clothes could not withstand the biting cold. I accidentally fell in the cold wind. If you are here, you must laugh at me for being so embarrassed in the wind. Only at some time will you be flattered by me and put my hand in your coat pocket. That was my happiest thing in the whole winter. Now, where can I warm my hands? A friend said that if you do the right thing and make the right decision, you will never regret it. ...

Meeting the Right Person at the Wrong Time - To You on the Virtual Network About life

  One day you suddenly said to me that we seem to have known each other for a long time. We seem to have known each other before. In fact, I have this feeling. It seems that I can understand your words and your past. But you said that we met the right person at the wrong time. I smiled and relieved. I know what you want to say, and then one day I said, maybe I will write a story about our meeting. You said it would not be a novel, I smiled. I'm not used to writing long words. I'll tell you, maybe it's a short novel. Yes, it is

happy birthday to me About life

Late at night, I don't know when I got used to blogging late at night. Maybe I am the most sober at this time. Thoughts will not be messy, nor too many trivial things to disturb themselves. Maybe I should thank myself for making such a blog that can record my life. I am a person with poor memory, and many things will always be forgotten.

About waiting About waiting About life

At some age you'll know It's really hard to live alone Gradually began to taste the taste of loneliness Time is beating your pride Once you cross a certain intersection, you will feel I chat with you less and less all night Tired of being chased by loneliness Find someone who loves you and want to trust him to die How many people can accompany me Few are willing to go through life It's not that important to remember Just want to experience the taste of love in plain Finally, when you're okay, I didn't give up

Fragmented memory About life


A Little Understanding of Life About life

There are endless annoying problems in our life, and we can take the most serious attitude to deal with them, Use our best efforts to fight it to the end! Successful experience is not necessarily the most correct instruction manual, and experience is only a guiding reference in specific implementation. Your weakness may become your strength at some time. The best way to solve difficulties is to face any difficulties bravely. At the moment when you feel disappointed

About the story behind the song "Crying Sand" (online collection) About love

       Foreword: Some people are doomed to separate once they meet, and some love is doomed to end at the beginning. Feelings are always coming and going quietly, torturing the lovers endlessly. insist? Wandering? Or do you want to leave here? Once upon a time, there were two grains of sand lying on the silent seabed. They are two feet apart. A grain of sand falls in love with

About Relieving -- Zhen About love

Because of this, release is the best choice! I have been used to the normal state of life, and I want to stay here, but I can't resist the encroachment of time. My memory will slowly blur until it disappears. Time has made the best choice for me. A new person, a casual turn, happiness is within reach, and I will never change my mind until death, vow to make love, and sweet words, but I can't defeat happiness Hand in hand with the common, plain together, the original love is not as indispensable as imagined, there is a life together with it
Dreamer Published on

About clutter About life

  I don't know when the sudden chaos has disturbed the peace of mind in the past. The troubles of entrepreneurship and trivial work have added a little more trouble to my heart. I don't know why the pure music that used to make me quiet can no longer make me quiet. It turns out that this is life. There are worries, worries, depression, desires. Maybe I really can't be calm in my heart. Maybe I need some time to eliminate all kinds of evils!   ...

30 life maxims (online collection) About life

  1. Don't fall in love for loneliness. Time is a devil. It will last forever. If you are a sentimental person, even if you don't love each other, you will still have feelings. What will you do in the end?    2. No matter how old you are, no matter what your family and friends urge you to do, don't treat marriage casually. Marriage is not a game of cards, and it will cost a lot to reshuffle.      3. There is basically no right or wrong person in emotional matters. He

22 sentences of Chinese partner Zhengneng (reprinted) About life

1. It's better to think a thousand times than to do it once. Gorgeous falls are better than useless wandering. 2. It doesn't matter who hurt you or defeated you. What matters is who makes you smile again. 3. Look at people with time and heart, not with eyes. 4. Don't live in memories of the past. Yesterday's sun can't dry today's clothes! 5. Learn to be grateful for everything you have, and eventually you will get more. If you always hold grudges about what you didn't get, you will never be satisfied. Presumably, it will not be fast