JiaThis, a well-known social sharing button plug-in in China, announced its closure

2018-5-2 12:14 Originated from this website 10,624 five nine

Another free product providing services for the website has collapsed, and the well-known social sharing button plug-in JiaThis announced that it was officially closed on April 30, 2018. How many free products do we still have to use?

During a follow-up visit to a customer's website, I found that the JiaThis sharing button on the customer's homepage was not displayed, and the original sharing button had a great impact on the page's effect. In the spirit of "responsible after-sales", Feiniao checked the code of the next page, but did not find any problems. Then visit the js link of the JiaThis plug-in, and find a blank, which is not good.

Then the birds will go JiaThis's official website After a probe, it was found that JiaThis had announced to close the sharing service on April 30, 2018


Due to the business adjustment of the company, we regret to announce that JiaThis has decided to close its "sharing" business from April 30, 2018.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by closing the "sharing" business.

This news is a bit explosive. For a long time, JiaThis was a social sharing button plug-in with a very high coverage of the website. Later, Baidu Share's launch took away part of the market share. According to the official introduction, there were more than 780000 websites that were using the JiaThis service before, but now they suddenly shut down so hastily, and many websites have to adjust the share button again.


Another product that provides services for websites for free fell down. The reason why it closed sharing services was not mentioned, but we can also guess one or two things, that is, the profitability. We can also understand that it is difficult to achieve a "good end" for a product without a clear profit direction for a long time, but this sudden stop of service also makes many websites using JiaThis sharing service unacceptable.

Taking stock, how long can Baidu Share, Bshare, Weibo Share and other social sharing button plug-ins still in operation?

At the same time, Feiniao also found that its other business, "Youyan", was also closed

Science and technology information  The third-party comment system "Youyan" has also collapsed. Do we have any other options The third-party comment system "Youyan" has also collapsed. Do we have any other options JiaThis Company announced that it had closed its third-party comment system "Youyan" on April 30, 2018. Since "More Saying" and "Netease Cloud Post" were announced to be closed, "Youyan" also fell. Time: 2018/5/2 popularity: fourteen thousand two hundred and three Comments: thirteen read the whole passage

After all, it is "the most expensive free product", which makes me feel cold. How many free products can we use?

This article was last updated on May 2, 2018, and has not been updated for more than one year. If the article content or picture resources are invalid, please leave a message for feedback, and we will deal with it in a timely manner. Thank you!

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    Current comments: 5 of which: visitor 0 blogger 0
    1. Six years ago (2018-05-02) 0F

      Before Baidu sharing, it was killed by giants~

    2. Six years ago (2018-05-02) 0F

      If you don't make money for free, you will surely fall.

    3. Six years ago (2018-05-02) 0F

      When free products are less and less, and personal blogs are not profitable, personal blogs are really hard to survive

      •  Wing
        Six years ago (2018-05-02) B1

        @ Idle fish Therefore, we must recognize that feelings and interests are vulnerable to reality, and it is often "vulgar" before "elegant" capital!


     doubt  naughty  Sad  Pick one's nose  scare  smile  lovely  A bad laugh  surprised  Daze  doubt  Soldiers  Snicker  Curse  Anger  roll one's eyes  applause  proud  Wipe away sweat  kiss  Cry  open the mouth and show the teeth  halo  strong

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