Alibaba Cloud's international version of the popular VPS is only $30, and you can get $300 free every year

Alibaba Cloud International has begun to make a big move, and the popular Maxi data center special price VPS is only $30 per year. The most important thing is that new users can also get 300 dollars, which is very powerful~

Activity address: Click Direct [Secret address for 300 knives]

Special note: AliCloud international registration requires a U.S. phone number, which can be handled with Google Voice, etc【 Application method click here 】。 In addition, Paypal (which supports domestic PPs) with dollar consumption can be bound to Alibaba Cloud International Edition. You can purchase it yourself and then refund!

Alibaba Cloud International official:

Copyright notice:
Author: Leisure Bar
Source: Xianba Resource Station
The copyright of this article belongs to the author. Please do not reprint it without permission.

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