High speed vps recharge credit line for DogYun's promotional activities on November 11, 2022

DogYun Gouyun is a domestic vps provider that Xianba likes very much. Its vps machine rooms and independent servers basically use all the machine rooms or lines with very high speed in China. Old railers who have requirements for speed can consider trying it.

Goyun DogYun official website: https://www.dogyun.com/

At present, Goyun DogYun is promoting the Double 11 Festival, and offers great discounts, as follows:

Activity 1:

Discount code "11.11": 70% discount for new elastic cloud; 20% off for new classic cloud (excluding special price machine).

Discount code "jian100": 100 yuan discount for new physical servers.

Activity 2:

From November 1 to November 11, 1 yuan will be given for every 11 yuan of single recharge.

Activity 3:

From November 1 to November 11, the lucky turntable draws 50% of the code, traffic, balance and other prizes every day.

Activity 4:

Hong Kong KC special price machine ¥ 168/year:

1 core CPU, 1G memory, 20G array hot standby SSD hard disk, 10Mbps bandwidth, 500G traffic, 1IPv4, 2IPv6.


On the whole, this Gouyun promotion is very effective. If there is demand, especially those who have speed requirements for domestic visits and are unwilling to file.

Copyright notice:
Author: Leisure Bar
Link: https://www.xianba.net/5514.html
Source: Xianba Resource Station
The copyright of this article belongs to the author. Please do not reprint it without permission.

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