
Subscription link | original blog of life art

Here is my personal collection, which mainly collects original personal blog websites of life and literature. The reason for collecting these two types of blogs is very simple, that is, they are closer to life, closer to words, and easier to make people feel the world's 🚬 The smell of fire, and the exchange of visits 👀 Take a look and leave without anything to say. If you 👻 It is found that there are good personal sites with close originality 💯, It is also a kind of life and art. Welcome to leave a message to recommend it. (◔‸◔◔◔) If the collection here offends you, please write to me for rectification/deletion. E-mail: 40067753@qq . com 。 thank you.

Sentimental Links (11)

🔗 This station is a Personal website with original blog of life and art as the main content , based on the principle of birds of a feather flock together, acceptable Related websites 's friend chain application (inside friend chain). This site is a new one, and we don't know when it will run. We don't rule out the possibility of suddenly adjusting the content of the website and closing the site. ad locum, I would like to especially thank some friends who have not lost their links during several adjustments or shutdowns of my website: Dream Chen Feng - An Eternal Blog Sword Grinding Studio - Grinding a Sword in Ten Years Qingmeng Wait, they let me feel a kind of indifferent warmth without reason.

Visitor Links( 186)

Doctoral advisor links (17)

Host link (1)

  1.  Yu Yi

    First, grab a sofa. Happy New Year!
    I haven't seen this board for a long time, ha ha

    Yu Yi reply
    1.  wys

      @Yu Yi

      Brother Yuyi's presence makes the small station bright!
      This board is from here( )The author is very talented. I have to like it for a long time.

      wys reply
    2.  Jiang Chen Jcs Moe

      @Yu Yi

      Long time no see, little brother~233

      Jiang Chen Jcs Moe reply
  2.  Magic repair hook

    Boss, this is the feed encyclopedia. There are many subscription links

    Magic repair hook reply
    1.  wys

      @Magic repair hook

      Welcome to recommend the site Ha~

      wys reply
  3.  Cub

    Mr. Wang used to be unable to open the domain name. Fortunately, he found it

    Cub reply
    1.  wys


      Ha ha, goodbye is for goodbye. Your Cubs navigation is very special. The five leaderboards are very impressive.

      wys reply
      1.  Cub


        No, Mr. Wang, I used to go to wys water, but the blog lazy cancer is too serious. Mr. Wang should not remember me, and almost forgot to add Mr. Wang to the navigation

        Cub reply
        1.  wys


          Water conservancy, remember to come often.

          wys reply
  4.  Brother Xue
    4th floor

    Move a bench and sit and watch the big boys.

    Brother Xue reply
    1.  wys

      @Brother Xue

      Welcome Brother Xue.

      wys reply
  5.  Duoniu

    happy new year

    Duoniu reply
    1.  wys


      Welcome to visit, the New Year is inviolable.

      wys reply
  6.  Cub
    6th floor

    Come and see if it's updated

    Cub reply
    1.  wys


      The comment was blocked by the plugin for a while, and now the plugin has been disabled. Updates are not frequent.

      wys reply
      1.  Cub


        The update is very fast, Mr. Wang. What subject does Mr. Wang teach

        Cub reply
        1.  wys


          I studied economic management in college, and I took the English test when I was a teacher. What I did was logistics (printing room). Funny.

          wys reply
          1.  Mr. wu


            Information Department for short 😄

            Mr. wu reply
            1.  wys

              @Mr. wu

              say 🉐 Well, there should be a slug in the 2.0 era. I will say so when I go back to my hometown 😂。

              wys reply
  7.  Mr.Chou
    7th floor

    Well, since we are here Take a bubble and have a happy New Year

    Mr.Chou reply
    1.  wys

      @Mr. Chou

      Welcome everyone, come and visit often. The New Year will be happy only when you say "all poisons are inviolable".

      wys reply
  8.  Cub
    8th floor

    It's worthy of being the king

    Cub reply
    1.  wys


      I've been in the blogosphere for so long, but I've accomplished nothing. It's almost like calling me a bighead.

      wys reply
      1.  Cub


        You can't say Mr. Wang like that. He is young and struggling

        Cub reply
        1.  wys


          ( ⊙‿⊙)

          wys reply
  9.  Six weeks
    9th floor

    Wow, Thank you for your link recommendation

    Six weeks reply
    1.  wys

      @Six weeks

      O (\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\.

      wys reply
      1.  Six weeks


        If you meet fate, you will be accompanied

        Six weeks reply
        1.  wys

          @Six weeks

          Look while walking.

          wys reply
  10.  Cub
    10th floor

    Mr. Wang's new brother wishes you peace, happiness and longevity all the year round. happy new year

    Cub reply
    1.  wys


      Thank you, with peace, with happiness Ha! I hope our New Year is more wonderful and meaningful year by year.

      wys reply
  11.  Fog Chang'an
    11th floor

    Happy New Year, Miss Wang~

    Fog Chang'an reply
    1.  wys

      @Fog Chang'an

      Welcome to Wu Chang'an for a return visit! Your website is really too exquisite, it is too difficult for people to aftertaste, 😆

      wys reply
  12.  Bogie
    12th floor

    This page is really interesting. How to implement it

    Bogie reply
    1.  wys


      The bubble effect code found on the Internet is one css and one html, and then a custom page in the blog is added to the effect.

      wys reply
  13.  Uncle Liu
    13th floor

    You can delete Lu Jianjun Replace it with my current hahah

    Uncle Liu reply
    1.  wys

      @Uncle Liu

      👏 Welcome Uncle Liu! It has been changed.

      wys reply
  14.  Xinwei Sheep
    14th floor

    It is better to change Krist Pan into Xin Wei Sheep ( ̄▽ ̄) d

    Xinwei Sheep reply
    1.  wys

      @Xinwei Sheep

      👌 Done. Welcome to come here often.

      wys reply
  15.  Cub
    15th floor

    This song is suitable for sleeping. Good night, Miss Wang 😆

    Cub reply
    1.  wys


      Ha ha, Brother Bear, good night.

      wys reply
  16.  Mr.Chou

    Chain in and chain out
    My old address has expired

    Mr.Chou reply
    1.  wys

      @Mr. Chou

      👍 Brother Zhou, it's done.

      wys reply
      1.  Mr.Chou


        Like, efficient in handling exceptional efficiency

        Mr.Chou reply
        1.  wys

          @Mr. Chou

          It is necessary to drop when taking leave.

          wys reply
  17.  Pig said blog
    17th floor

    (⊙ o ⊙) You are changing the version frequently

    Pig said blog reply
    1.  wys

      @Pig said blog

      (‾̑⌣‾̑̑̑•) ✧˖˖˖˖˖˖ The page follows your mood, and changes where you think about it.

      wys reply
  18.  awfully
    18th floor

    This is a very wide page. You can also exercise your neck around.

    In addition, the name of the email input box above your comment box should be changed to "email", which will not be automatically filled in by mail.

    awfully reply
    1.  awfully

      @Not too happy

      It seems that email doesn't matter...

      awfully reply
      1.  wys

        @Not too happy

        After a trial, several documents were involved in the change, but it could not be solved at once. 360 speed browser can fill in.

        wys reply
    2.  wys

      @Not too happy

      Dude, your website Unable to open, (¬ ‸ ¬)?

      wys reply
      1.  awfully


        I don't know why, the website has hung up.

        awfully reply
        1.  wys

          @Not too happy

          Can it be automatically restored after hanging up, or do you need to manually operate it? In the past, I used to use Western math. After the database was hung, I had to restart the database website manually to restore it to normal; The fence used, even if hung, can also restore itself.

          wys reply
          1.  awfully


            It is the fence used.

            awfully reply
            1.  wys

              @Not too happy

              I have never used the virtual machine in the fence. I don't know what the situation is like. Its Hong Kong vps have been used for one year, and I think they are OK.

              wys reply
      2.  awfully


        All of a sudden, the virtual machine is so fragile.

        awfully reply
  19.  ayiya
    19th floor

    Change to a friend chain, man
    Name: Xiao Lu
    Introduction: Personal Life Blog
    head portrait:

    ayiya reply
    1.  wys


      🤝 okay.

      wys reply
  20.  Brother Xue
    20th floor

    The first rain in spring, although the spring rain is as expensive as oil, after careful consideration, I still did not dare to fill the tank.

    Brother Xue reply
    1.  wys

      @Brother Xue

      The first snow in spring, although the heavy snow is like goose feather, I still don't dare to put it on my body. (。・∀・)ノ゙

      wys reply
  21.  Cub
    21st Floor

    Mr. Wang, have you ever met a classmate who loves and hates you? Suddenly I was curious. I just got home from work and went to sleep. I will move bricks tomorrow.

    Cub reply
    1.  wys


      My brother wants to make up his mind with his classmates, huh? It's a good choice. come on.
      One of my words became my daughter-in-law...

      wys reply
      1.  Cub


        Well, then I wish myself success, but I'm really poor and I'm in danger

        Cub reply
        1.  wys


          You are already at the level of "Jinshi". How are you 😄

          wys reply
          1.  Cub


            Miss Wang, tell your wife happy holidays 🎉, Fortunately, I didn't say yesterday that I was afraid of Mr. Wang's displeasure. Ha ha ha

            Cub reply
            1.  wys


              ヾ (● '▽ ` ●) ノ Thank you, nothing. The day before yesterday, my child ordered a Snow City, which was sent by Meituan. When the child opened it, there were two small red books in the same style as the marriage certificate: the couple certificate.

              wys reply
            2.  wys


              🐨 Thank you. It's still young people who know romance.

              wys reply
  22.  Cub
    22nd floor

    Good evening, Miss Wang

    Cub reply
    1.  wys


      Good morning, Brother Bear 🚬

      wys reply
    2.  wys


      Brother Xiong, when you visit your navigation station via overseas IP, the interface is a bit messy. Doesn't it support overseas?

      wys reply
  23.  Leaves open on the left, red snow on the right
    23rd floor

    The background music has a strong sense of substitution. You are the wind and I am the sand

    Leaves open on the left, red snow on the right reply
    1.  wys

      @Leaves open on the left, red snow on the right

      👋 Welcome back. Make random music and refresh the page. You are very lucky to meet this song

      wys reply
  24.  Duoniu
    24th floor

    Text set

    Duoniu reply
    1.  wys



      wys reply
  25.  Bookmark Web
    25th floor

    Come to visit Mr. Wang

    Bookmark Web reply
    1.  wys

      @Bookmark Web

      Welcome to visit again, and find that your bookmarking network is becoming more and more professional, and has also integrated an RSS aggregation.

      wys reply
  26.  Old Mai
    26th floor

    Suddenly, I found yellow bubbles on the page. At first, I thought there was something wrong with my eyes, and I was shocked. 😀

    Old Mai reply
    1.  wys

      @Old Mai

      🤪 It shows that you may be habitually too focused when browsing the web. Happy weekend! Old Mai!

      wys reply
  27.  Xin
    27th Floor

    Your theme is really good. It's generous, simple and clear at a glance

    Xin reply
    1.  wys


      👋 Welcome. A long time ago, I was wondering if it was too backward.

      wys reply
  28.  Tao Xiaotao Blog
    28th floor

    You have come to rub your friend chain, and your friend chain has been added

    Title: Xiao Tao's Poems
    head portrait:
    Description: An engineering student with some literature and art

    Tao Xiaotao Blog reply
    1.  wys

      @Tao Xiaotao Blog

      👋 Welcome, OK.

      wys reply
  29.  Blog (boke. lu)
    29th floor

    Your site has been added 0.0. I hope you can change the link.
    Name: blog (boke. lu)
    Introduction: · Blog collection display platform~

    Blog (boke. lu) reply
    1.  wys

      @Blog (boke. lu)

      👋 Welcome to your site. Your site is a blog website navigation that focuses on original and high life blogs. Its interface is beautiful, simple and friendly. It also has the interactive function of forum members. It's very good, but there is no eye-catching "friend chain" location on your site. If you can, please change the link on this page first. (The link on this page has been added)

      wys reply
    30th floor

    Thanks for subscribing to my RSS reply
    1.  wys

      👋 Welcome to our website.
      Without your consultation, I put you in a camp. It's a default position (www.wys. me/25. html). I'm also worried about whether I have offended you.

      wys reply


        No offense, just like the title of your rss subdomain, fate reply
        1.  wys

          System ( ̄ ▽ ̄) ╭ OK, I'm relieved. I will visit everyone's site when I am free.

          wys reply
  31.  lush mountain

    Teacher Wang has continued to write blog

    lush mountain reply
    1.  wys


      👏 Welcome back!
      Well, writing is healthier.

      wys reply
  32.  Wu Dandan
    32nd floor

    SSL has expired. It needs to be renewed

    Wu Dandan reply
    1.  wys

      @Wu Dandan

      I forgot when I was busy. Thank you for reminding me. It has been continued| ´・ω・)ノ

      wys reply
  33.  xxzznet
    33rd floor

    The comment box is not suitable at the bottom. It's a bit troublesome to scroll when there are too many comments

    xxzznet reply
    1.  wys


      😂 I have just browsed your blog, and the comment box accounts for more than half,
      Put it below, I want to increase the exposure of the friend chain. You are welcome to make suggestions. I wonder if there is a compromise way to solve this problem.

      wys reply
  34.  Cub
    34th floor

    Happy Labor Day, Miss Wang

    Cub reply
    1.  wys


      System ( ̄▽ ̄) ╭ Thank you, Brother Bear. All activities are labor, and all labor can produce value. I wish everyone who creates value for this era a happy holiday!

      wys reply
  35.  Grey memory
    35th floor

    Curious, strange, mobile, unable to open your station 😂

    Grey memory reply
    1.  wys

      @Grey memory

      For some reason, I only blocked all IP addresses in my province except my community. I found that my broadband IP often changes in a small range.

      wys reply
      1.  Grey memory


        It's not easy to find you

        Grey memory reply
        1.  wys

          @Grey memory

          🚴🚴🚴 Ha ha, now I'm looking for someone to "navigate the Cubs", and I can't open it.

          wys reply
  36.  Jiang Chen Jcs Moe
    36th floor

    hello world!

    Long time no see Mr. Wang.

    Jiang Chen Jcs Moe reply
    1.  wys

      @Jiang Chen Jcs Moe

      Tmall Genie!
      It feels like there is no hello wolrld! Big pattern, ha ha!
      Recently, I have been busy too. I seldom visit blogs. Is Mr. Jiang OK. 🐘

      wys reply
      1.  Jiang Chen Jcs Moe


        Still alive! Ha ha ha ha

        Jiang Chen Jcs Moe reply
        1.  wys

          @Jiang Chen Jcs Moe

          The pace of life is too fast, and what is alive is the heartbeat

          wys reply
  37.  Cub
    37th floor

    Today, I found that there is a class representative on the page

    Cub reply
    1.  wys


      (̀ ᴗ ̑) و ̑ Thank you very much, benefactor! 🍵

      wys reply
  38.  Duan Xiansen
    38th floor

    Ha ha, Mr. Wang has unsealed it

    Duan Xiansen reply
    1.  wys

      @Duan Xiansen

      👋 Lao Duan, hello, welcome. Well, start over.

      wys reply
  39.  Duan Xiansen
    39th floor

    Ha ha, long time no see Mr. Wang

    Duan Xiansen reply
    1.  wys

      @Duan Xiansen

      I'm busy. I feel more and more things in my work, and I'm a little overwhelmed. I can hardly squeeze out the time to visit my blog.

      wys reply
  40.  Wang Yunzi

    Did Mr. Wang change his head? Ha ha o ( ̄▽ ̄) d

    Wang Yunzi reply
    1.  wys

      @Wang Yunzi

      The summer vacation has begun. Change your avatar and mood!
      Happy summer vacation ☀️

      wys reply
      1.  Wang Yunzi


        Happy summer vacation, Mr. Wang. Where does Mr. Wang teach

        Wang Yunzi reply
        1.  wys

          @Wang Yunzi

          105.19 east longitude, 37.50 north latitude, English, but, hey, it's actually in the school logistics department.

          wys reply
  41.  Mhare
    41st floor

    Hello, blogger, apply to add a friend chain~

    Website name: Mhare
    Website address:
    Website icon:
    Website description: Look up at the sky, look down at the road

    Mhare reply
    1.  wys


      👋Mhare, Hello, welcome to our website.
      Having just browsed your website, I found that the interface tends to be of a quadratic style and full of vitality, and the classification of theme articles tends to be of code technology - it seems that there is no frequently updated original life or art columns. 😅

      wys reply
  42.  Surging waves are cheap
    42nd floor

    This comment is private and only visible to the author and the initiator of the comment!
    Surging waves are cheap reply
    1.  wys

      @Surging waves are cheap

      👋 Sometimes rolling, sometimes calm. Welcome to Sao Lang Cheap.
      I hope everyone can understand the world and become themselves in their own way.

      wys reply
  43.  Uncle Da
    43rd Floor

    Mr. Wang, it's not updated.

    Uncle Da reply
    1.  wys

      @Uncle Da

      (◔‸◔◔◔‸◔◔◔◔‸◔◔◔◔) When the summer vacation comes, there is no idea of coding words. It may be that the countryside has its own life ecology and has entered the bottom of life. There is no idea of light (easy) floating (up).

      wys reply
  44.  Heresy
    44th floor

    Hello, the blog uses a virtual host or VPS, and the speed is good

    Heresy reply
    1.  wys


      (•‾̑⌣‾̑•)✧˖° 👋 Welcome to our company!
      VPS is hedged.

      wys reply
  45.  Hao Yu
    45th floor

    Blog name: Hao Yu Blog
    Blog address:
    Blog avatar:
    Blog description: record my growth and youth
    Hope to exchange friend chains. If possible, go to my blog to leave a message or email

    Hao Yu reply
    1.  wys

      @Hao Yu

      👋 The journey is long, and only through struggle can we realize our original intention. Welcome Hao Yu to our website.

      wys reply
      1.  Hao Yu


        Thank you~, your site friend chain has been added

        Hao Yu reply
        1.  wys

          @Hao Yu

          |※・・・) I often come and go to Kazakhstan.

          wys reply
  46.  Cub
    46th Floor

    School will start soon, Miss Wang

    Cub reply
    1.  wys


      (﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏) One week after the school starts, I feel that my time is not my own

      wys reply
  47.  Hao Yu
    47th floor

    Why is my head a square? Ha ha~

    Hao Yu reply
    1.  wys

      @Hao Yu

      After thinking for a long time, I haven't found the answer, and I haven't replied to you. The square head gives you a sense of security. 😄

      wys reply
  48.  MatrixCore
    48th Floor

    Hello, Mr. Wang, I feel that reading your article is quite enlightening, and I want to learn from you! Can you make a friend.

    Site name: MatrixCore
    Site description: Teenagers work hard all their lives. Don't be lazy and do your best
    Site address:
    Site icon:

    MatrixCore reply
    1.  wys


      👋 Hey hey, welcome to MatrixCore! I also like the feeling of reading. When I feel bored and depressed, I go online to buy books crazily.
      It's good to use "you". There are too many online copies. I always like to browse original blogs.

      wys reply
  49.  You are not a fish
    49th floor

    This is my jump station. I don't engage in any friend chain. I have to clean up for fear that the friend chain will die. I can't remember other blogs. Just remember a (Wang Bilingual is me). Just here is a blog navigation for me to turn over and jump_ (._.)_

    You are not a fish reply
    1.  wys

      @You are not a fish

      (๑ ̀ ㅂ ✧) و✧ Sometimes, I also think "Friend Chain" is a standard configuration for blogs; Friendly chain, a bit like "Anda" in Genghis Khan, can not force the division of noble and lowly, just like it. Thank you for remembering my short domain name. If you think of it, let's take a look, 🐧

      wys reply
  50.  Cub
    50th floor

    Hey hey, Mr. Wang, come back later. I have to wait for Brother Yu to finish his work. Ha ha ha ha, suddenly it's cold a lot. Mr. Wang should keep warm

    Cub reply
    1.  wys


      I thought you were playing with human respect. welcome back. It's winter solstice, and it's time to be cold. However, except for our dreams, our dreams are always hot.

      wys reply
  51.  A Feng
    51st floor

    Happy New Year~

    A Feng reply
    1.  wys

      @A Feng

      Tongleha, quickly set up a flag.

      wys reply
  52.  Blog Navigation
    52nd floor

    Blog navigation, welcome to submit

    Blog Navigation reply
    1.  wys

      @Blog Navigation

      Welcome to my station. 👏
      Come and have a look.

      wys reply
  53.  Airing
    53rd floor

    Apply for the friend chain, your station has added

    Website name: Airing's Cabin
    Website address:
    Head portrait address:

    Airing reply
    1.  wys


      👋 Welcome to visit us, always come and always guide us.

      wys reply
  54.  Old Song Dynasty
    54th floor

    You have so many links

    Old Song Dynasty reply
    1.  wys

      @Old Song Dynasty

      👋 Welcome to our company!
      One pen, falling together, is artful. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

      wys reply
      1.  Old Song Dynasty


        Let's chain one. I really like the human feelings and smoke here

        Old Song Dynasty reply
        1.  wys

          @Old Song Dynasty

          👣 Come often.

          wys reply
          1.  Old Song Dynasty


            Listen to music again, ha ha, I open your place to listen to music every day
            Your link is ready
            Website name: SONG'Blog
            Website address:
            Website description: Learn to be happy, learn to live
            Website icon:

            Old Song Dynasty reply
            1.  wys

              @Old Song Dynasty

              OK, welcome. (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

              wys reply
  55.  steeel
    55th floor

    In return visit
    Just thought of recording a piece of data in the blog

    steeel reply
    1.  wys


      (̀ ᴗ ̑ ̑) و ̑ Well, leave a footprint.

      wys reply
  56.  Bookmark Web
    56th floor

    Hello, blogger, add a friend chain~
    Website name: Bookmark
    Website address:
    Website icon:

    Bookmark Web reply
    1.  wys

      @Bookmark Web

      The boss is old. The small site foot is full, and only the links page is available.

      wys reply
      1.  Bookmark Web



        Bookmark Web reply
        1.  wys

          @Bookmark Web


          wys reply
  57.  Dream seeking xunm
    57th floor

    This comment is private and only visible to the author and the initiator of the comment!
    Dream seeking xunm reply
    1.  wys

      @Dream seeking xunm

      (‾ ̑ ⌣ ‾ ̑) ✧ Welcome, welcome.

      wys reply
  58.  Secondary cold tree
    58th Floor

    This comment is private and only visible to the author and the initiator of the comment!
    Secondary cold tree reply
    1.  wys

      @Secondary cold tree

      This comment is private and only visible to the author and the initiator of the comment!
      wys reply
  59.  Kevin
    59th Floor

    This page is very rich! Please tell me: I didn't know about rssant until I saw your rss. I thought it was good and simple enough, so I built one myself. But it's different from your effect. I haven't found any other settings,
    Want to know: 1. How to view directly without password; 2. Three column style like yours

    Kevin reply
    1.  Wang Yunzi


      Haha, your rss link can't be opened. I also want to know how Mr. Wang built it. I use Freshrss, but I don't know how to achieve this effect

      Wang Yunzi reply
      1.  Keivn

        @Wang Yunzi

        You can open tizi by closing it..
        Mr. Wang's name is Ant Reading, so am I
        Send your fresh to see how it works

        Keivn reply
      2.  wys

        @Wang Yunzi

        Which of my links can't be opened? Yes.
        //I also searched for the rss program for a long time, and then found a three column "lilina aggregation"( )After using it for a year or two, it was found that the subscription content was in a json file, and the json file was full of content, so the RSS subscription could not be used. So I searched everywhere and found Ant Read. The developer was also very talkative. He helped me build a publishing page, and then made a reverse proxy on my server. It was practical to use my domain name to access.

        wys reply
    2.  Wang Yunzi


      I don't know why I can't see your reply here. o ( ̄ ▽ ̄) d, click this article and you will know what is going on. I have been unable to build the environment, [Typecho regularly obtains FreshRSS subscription data]( )

      Wang Yunzi reply
      1.  wys

        @Wang Yunzi There is only one comment on this page. Don't you see a separate comment?

        wys reply
    3.  wys

      @Kevin I am looking for a release page customized by Ant Read developers! The server I used was just a domain name reverse proxy on my server. [This is what Ant read to me. Scheme 1: Ant read online version plus function. Add a publish subscription function. Users select the subscription to be published, create a publish page, and the publish page is designed according to your requirements. Then on your server, configure the domain name NGINX to forward to the publish page URL.] In addition, there is another copy 2: install the program on your own server, I didn't bother.

      wys reply
      1.  Kevin


        It was originally customized, so I won't do it. I still use my ttrs, which is also a three column style. I will send a toss record in two days

        Kevin reply
        1.  wys


          Ok, we've got it. Let's have a look. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

          wys reply
        2.  wys


          You can only see the subscription content when you log in at present. It's not made public. I have found several columns of freshrss before, which is very useful, but the content on the left is a little complicated. Waiting for your good news..

          wys reply
  60.  Wang Yunzi

    What is Mr. Wang's rss built with

    Wang Yunzi reply
    1.  wys

      @Wang Yunzi

      This is used by

      wys reply
  61.  ayiya
    61st floor

    Hello brother, I replaced my domain name with

    ayiya reply
    1.  wys


      Done. It is also completely replaced in the historical review.
      The name blender is not bad, does it mean toss?

      wys reply
      1.  ayiya


        Yeah, it's a software that I rely on 😄

        ayiya reply
        1.  wys


          Very good. It's quite a lot these days to be able to make a living with a software. Come on, look forward to your continuous updating and upgrading.

          wys reply
  62.  Earth appropriation allowance
    62nd floor

    The blogger's RSS is really good. I collected and learned it. ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ

    Earth appropriation allowance reply
    1.  wys

      @Earth appropriation allowance

      👏 Welcome to our company!

      wys reply
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