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Solve the resolution problem of Photoshop CS6 interface

After many students use win10 to install Photoshop cs6, there will be a situation that the font of the Photoshop menu is very small. The solution to this problem is as follows:

To put it simply, you need to install a driver in the registry before installing a patch that magnifies the font in two steps.

1. Windows key+R key, enter "regedit", and click OK.

2. Find the target folder

 >HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > SideBySide

Right click the folder, click New, select "DWORD (32-bit value)", press Enter, enter PreferExternalManifest directly, and then confirm (note! The name is entered by yourself! Please pay attention to the case!)
Right click the file and select Modify. Set the value to 1, select "decimal", and click OK.

3. Insert the patch that can enlarge the font into the folder in the installation path
It is usually right to follow the execution file, for example: Photoshop.exe in C: Program Files Adobe Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)
So just copy and paste the patch!

In addition, as long as your adobe software installation default path is in C: Program Files (x86) Adobe or C: Program Files Adobe. And AI DW.FW patches are on the website of the god. Adobe App Scaling on High DPI Displays (FIX)

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